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Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 14/07/2010 : 15:29:42
zaujimava stranka... btw to uz zostali "az" 4 servery pre cely svet? podla statistiky vidim, ze v hre je cca 3500 R40 hracov - vela, ci malo? |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 14/07/2010 : 15:40:03
EU servery jsou 4 |
Average Member
1001 Posts |
ex sejra
1083 Posts |
Posted - 14/07/2010 : 15:54:43
jj, tohle ukazuje jen US servery. |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 14/07/2010 : 16:26:22
heh, tie statistiky su asi neustale pocas dna aktualizovane. Takze tych obednajsich 3500 uz je davno prekonane.
Zaujimava stranka a asi aj pekne presne udaje, potom.
Myslel som, ze jak to ma pod rukou jedna firma teraz, ze All servers bude platit pre vsetky. |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
New Member

421 Posts |
Posted - 24/07/2010 : 22:14:57
quote: Originally posted by Aragorn
quote: Originally posted by celdric
just fyi dneska jsem dostal od war teamu povzbudivou zpravu, ze si Mythic prevzal od GoA spravu veci v EU...
tak me schvalne vy kdo to jeste hrajete po tom 29.7. (myslim, ze to je ten den co psali, ze to prevezmou) pisnete jestli nejsou nejaky horsi pingy, jestli to nevzali cistou vodou s takovym nenapadnym mergem serveru do US
prebirani serveru Mythicem zacalo 29.6. a skoncit by melo 6.-7.7. nejedna se o merge serveru (aspon prozatim), pouze uz bude jen jeden provozovatel spolecnej pro US a EU a to Mythic. Mimochodem vsichni EU zakaznici by meli dostat 2 tejdny free (i ty co nemaji momentalne aktivni subscription) tak si to muzete vyzkouset :p servery by mely fyzicky byt v nemecku
Tak tie 2 tyzdne free som si moc neuzil. Az dnes dosiel mail od Mythicu ze mi konci subscription na WAR ucte co ma prekvapilo a priviedlo az sem kedze som ziaden subscription nemal. Tiez mohli dat vediet o tejto akcii aj dopredu... |
WoW Twinstar - Horde - Mathrim Horde [tauren - hunter] 1x tyzdenne
Ultima Online - Kelevar - Elessar (retired) Dark Age of Camelot US - Gareth - Alderienne [eldritch] (retired) World of Warcraft EU- Drak'thul/Horde - Jaskynka [blood elf hunter] (retired)
bezvyznamne anonymne avatary :) Rift, DAoC Uthgard, Asheron's Call 2 (frozen), LOTRO (retired), AoC (retired), Warhammer Online (rip),
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 25/07/2010 : 21:29:51
Mythic Entertainment
End of Subscription Notification
Your subscription for Mythic Entertainment Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning for Game Account ****** has ended for the following reason:
Subscription is not set to renew
tiez som dostal mail o niecom, o com som ani netusil. |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Edited by - Wuuduu on 25/07/2010 21:30:42 |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 25/07/2010 : 22:17:20
Mně to furt jede  |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Edited by - Filda LNL on 26/07/2010 10:30:23 |
ex sejra
1083 Posts |
Posted - 26/07/2010 : 08:38:40
Mně ne   |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 26/07/2010 : 10:52:17
Stejný mail... k acc kterej je už bůh ví jak dlouho frozen (3 měs po release). Gz Mythic. |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 26/07/2010 : 11:51:18
spominate si na to, ze by vam/nam prisiel mail s oznamenim, ze su dva nove tyzdne? |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 26/07/2010 : 12:15:27
Jo. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Average Member
1001 Posts |
Posted - 26/07/2010 : 12:15:45
8.7. mi prislo upozorneni od GOA, a to na vsechny acc co sem kdy na WAR registroval:
Bioware Mythic is pleased to be assuming all publishing and operational responsibilities for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning in Europe, effective 7 July 2010. We would like to take this opportunity to thank GOA for their commitment and service to the WAR community and to invite you to join us in welcoming the European community to Bioware Mythic by extending 2 free weeks of playtime to all Current and Former GOA WAR players starting 7 July 2010.
We understand that you may have questions regarding this transition. To help, we've assembled a list of Frequently Asked Questions which can be found in the following languages:
* English - * French - * German -
Once the transition has completed, existing and returning players can access the Mythic Account center ( using their same Master Account name with the _EUR suffix added on; For Example ACCOUNT NAME_EUR. PLEASE NOTE: In some rare cases of Master Account names exceeding 19 characters, players will only use an underscore suffix; For example ACCOUNT NAME_. In most cases players will use the _EUR suffix. The above information applies to your WAR game account as well.
Also, we've been able to transfer all previously stored items in player Mailboxes, on the Auction House and in Guild Banks at the time we received the data stamp from GOA (29 June 2010), so these items will be waiting for you when you normal play resumes on the Bioware Mythic European WAR servers in the coming days.
Returning players can download the client here:
Welcome to our European community and we'll see you on the Battlefield!
Kallath <Mor do Kuli> |
Starting Member
47 Posts |
Posted - 26/07/2010 : 14:04:51
Mě tohle na email přišlo 22. nebo 23.7. |
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 26/07/2010 : 14:35:23
me to snad ani neprislo...ale ono by to stejne moc nezmenilo ;-) |
no mmo
New Member

421 Posts |
Posted - 27/07/2010 : 21:26:45
quote: Originally posted by Aragorn
8.7. mi prislo upozorneni od GOA, a to na vsechny acc co sem kdy na WAR registroval:
Bioware Mythic is pleased to be assuming all publishing and operational responsibilities for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning in Europe, effective 7 July 2010. We would like to take this opportunity to thank GOA for their commitment and service to the WAR community and to invite you to join us in welcoming the European community to Bioware Mythic by extending 2 free weeks of playtime to all Current and Former GOA WAR players starting 7 July 2010.
We understand that you may have questions regarding this transition. To help, we've assembled a list of Frequently Asked Questions which can be found in the following languages:
* English - * French - * German -
Once the transition has completed, existing and returning players can access the Mythic Account center ( using their same Master Account name with the _EUR suffix added on; For Example ACCOUNT NAME_EUR. PLEASE NOTE: In some rare cases of Master Account names exceeding 19 characters, players will only use an underscore suffix; For example ACCOUNT NAME_. In most cases players will use the _EUR suffix. The above information applies to your WAR game account as well.
Also, we've been able to transfer all previously stored items in player Mailboxes, on the Auction House and in Guild Banks at the time we received the data stamp from GOA (29 June 2010), so these items will be waiting for you when you normal play resumes on the Bioware Mythic European WAR servers in the coming days.
Returning players can download the client here:
Welcome to our European community and we'll see you on the Battlefield!
Ono to asi prislo len tym ktory maju ucty aktivne. Inak mi 8.7 prislo len toto:
Dear xyz,
We are delighted to inform you that your account for The Lord of the Rings Online™ will be re-activated for a Welcome Back Week starting 12th July, 2010. You will not be charged for this time and your account will be automatically closed at the end of the Welcome Back Week.
If you do not wish to take advantage of this free game time there is no need to do anything and you may disregard this email.
The entire duration your account will be active is from 12th July until 19th July 2010.
For full details on this Welcome Back Week and the activities taking place please visit:
Click here to download the latest client.
Kind regards, The Codemasters Online Team
A chodi to pomerne casto co ma tesi :). Ale to som uz uplne off topic  |
WoW Twinstar - Horde - Mathrim Horde [tauren - hunter] 1x tyzdenne
Ultima Online - Kelevar - Elessar (retired) Dark Age of Camelot US - Gareth - Alderienne [eldritch] (retired) World of Warcraft EU- Drak'thul/Horde - Jaskynka [blood elf hunter] (retired)
bezvyznamne anonymne avatary :) Rift, DAoC Uthgard, Asheron's Call 2 (frozen), LOTRO (retired), AoC (retired), Warhammer Online (rip),
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 27/07/2010 : 21:54:00
Tak dneska už mě taky odpojili. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
ex sejra
1083 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2010 : 20:07:40
Chacha  Čas si to zaplatit  |
Average Member

1183 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2010 : 21:52:40
Taky mi neco takovyho prislo. Dokonce se to dostalo pres muj uber spammovej filter, kterej likviduje vsechno, co zacina war a konci hammer. |
MMOs failed. |
New Member

100 Posts |
Posted - 17/08/2010 : 12:07:41
zdar, vy jste tu vsici byli vzdycky tak krasne pesimisticti a trolovati. s ohledem na nadchazejici gamescon vychazeji nezarucene optimisticke zpravy o svetlych zitrcich, co cekaji warhammer, neslyseli jste o tom, nebo necetli nejakej clanek? vsak war hraje na svete uz jen par desitek tisic lidi, jestli vubec. ja nasel jen tohle a potrebuju to nutne rozcupovat na maderu, nejak se mi to nezda a myslim, ze placaj do vetru.... |
Junior Member
982 Posts |
Posted - 17/08/2010 : 14:08:21
WTF????? datadisk pro jednu z nejhorších MMO her z posledních let???
nebo někdo u té newsky spletl datum a místo April 1 tam je August 14 |
Last hope......Guild Wars 2 "that's not a log, that's a DICK!"
Average Member

1183 Posts |
Posted - 17/08/2010 : 16:04:30
At to ctu, jak to ctu, tak tam nenachazim nic ve smyslu "pridavame 3.frakci, aby se nase hra nadale nehrala jako vybijena pro curaky". Pokud pridaji skaveny, nedej boze nejaky jejich vlastni povolani, tak to bude jako u predchozich pripadu maximalne formou reskinu/prejmenovani skillu. Maximalne ty socky ohlasej, ze pridavaj jednu zonu nebo to reskinovany povolani, co se bude hrat uplne stejne jako jedno z tech stavajicich. |
MMOs failed. |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 17/08/2010 : 18:33:39
Dobře napsaný sračky o hovně. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Junior Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 18/08/2010 : 07:21:49
V tom clanku nie je nic, iba dohady. |
"I must not Fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is little death that brings total obliteration. I will let it pass through me and over me. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. " |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 18/08/2010 : 09:50:10
ja sa len usmievam  |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 18/08/2010 : 10:12:19
Z toho článku mi ukápla slza, nechcete někdo se mnou resubnout ?
Nee už jsem si to rozmyslel ! |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 18/08/2010 : 11:48:41
note to self: learn2read |
Edited by - Rahman on 18/08/2010 12:39:13 |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 18/08/2010 : 12:27:23
Ten pátej tier apod. je jen autorova hypotéza a zbožný přání, nic víc 
Ten článek je jen jedna velká úvaha. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 18/08/2010 : 12:38:34
quote: Originally posted by Filda LNL
Ten článek je jen jedna velká úvaha.
No jo no, zacatek jsem preskocil s tim, ze to stejne budou jen nudny kecy na uvod :) |
Average Member

1183 Posts |
Posted - 23/08/2010 : 15:20:30
Jen tak pro zasmani
A zvlast bych vypichnul tento oralni skvost: With the RvR pack Bioware Mythic wants to move away from the standard "Release a huge expansion every 2 years." system and wants to adopt a system that allows players to "customize their game experience".
Takze tolik asi, Jelente, k tvy vysneny expanzi. |
MMOs failed. |
Edited by - Jace on 23/08/2010 15:21:07 |
New Member

100 Posts |
Posted - 23/08/2010 : 16:40:12
Takze tolik asi, Jelente, k tvy vysneny expanzi.
pockej, ja ten clanek, co sem postnul, nepsal |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 23/08/2010 : 16:42:40
Other things that the team are currently exploring are often requested items such as Name Changes and Server Transfers.
Hm, name change chápu, ale mezi jakejma serverama chtěj transferovat?  |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 24/08/2010 : 08:22:01
ja myslim, ze implementovat char transfer mezi tema poslednima 3ma nebude zas tak drahy... ale jako tohle je fakt uz smesny...proc to radsi nezavrou uplne nez takovejhle smich do xichtu...
mimochodem ma ta poznamka o tom, ze si hraci budou moci modifikovat game experience snad znamenat to, ze vydaj source cody a rozdaj par rootovskych hesel na servery pro dobrovolniky z rad hracu? to by taky nemuselo byt drahy |
no mmo
Edited by - celdric on 24/08/2010 08:24:32 |
Junior Member
533 Posts |
Posted - 24/08/2010 : 13:18:22
quote: Originally posted by Filda LNL
Other things that the team are currently exploring are often requested items such as Name Changes and Server Transfers.
Hm, name change chápu, ale mezi jakejma serverama chtěj transferovat? 
To je nová služba. Můžeš si odstransferovat char do WoWka. |
Originally posted by Lewi: Prosím vyhněte se diskuzím na těchto stránkách s lidmi, kteří o této hře nic nevědí a dělají závěry jednejte s lidmi kteří vědí o čem mluví.
Starting Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 27/08/2010 : 15:25:08
hola, kokam po 2 ci kolika mesicich se pridu mrknout a furt ty same pindy dokolecka. Sem rad, ze stale zijete .) Jinak bylo receno, ze oficialni oznameni toho rozkouskovaneho expansionu teprve probehne. Na gamesconu davali takovy sneak peek. Ano souhlasim, ze zpusob zverejnovani maji prapodivny, ale to meli vzdycky. Kazdopadne to nebude neco extra velkeho jak datac do wow, ale prekopani celkove rvr kampane s pridanim full rvr zony a upravou keep siege (evoluce RvR). Cili delaji presne to co po nich lidi chcou, zameruji se na rvr. Pac lidi tu hru hraji kvuli rvr, na placani NPC po zadku sou tu jine hry, ze? Jinak, aby ste mneli zas na par dni si z ceho delat prdel tak tady je soupis zverejnenych informaci z ruznych interview:
3 types of rvr pack - power, progression and personality. This pack will be very different to LOTD in that it is fully RvR focussed. Purchased via multiple purchase options - my guess is each costs x, buy all 3 and get a discount off the cost of 3x.
Release date: Probably before Christmas.
* This allows cosmetic changes (cutomisable pets, new mounts etc) allowing you to look more 'unique'. * New mount outfits are not to be included
* This allows Realm Abilities redesign. You will be able to ignore the renown point requirements so you dont have to put 40 point to get to the next level) * This also will change the bonuses your RR's give you for passsives example at rr65 the AP bonus might be different. * New Renown Abilities (not just passives)
* New armour sets (at least 1 per race; there could be as many as 2) * New Weapons * New Equipment
* RR100 * At least 1 new RvR zone. (see Skaven) * Skaven o This first new RvR zone will be skaven themed - think lots of tunnels / an underground vast dungeon! o Zone isn't seperated from the campaign. Unlike LOTD this is promised to be a full RvR zone. o You dont need to buy the new RvR pack to get into the new skaven zone; however alot of the zone content wont be available to you unless you do buy it, I think this refers to among other things the new equipment (loot). o Can play as skaven in some form of PvP. However the skaven will not be playable in PvE. o In order to play as skaven there is something you need to do to unlock. (I doubt this will be time consuming or hard as they will want to allow players to quickly play as the skaven). o Skaven are not being done as a fully playable race but as something 'unique'. You will not be able to play as a rank 1 skaven and neither will there be 4 classes to choose from like other races. o Skaven will apparently level differently to other races. o Skaven will be in effect the very early beginnings of a third faction. They will be open to both sides to play and will be against both order and destruction. (This doesnt mean they will ever be a fully playable thrid faction as we all want to see it but its a start.) o It might be that the Skaven are not just in this new zone but popup all over the place (an infestation was mentioned) o It seems to have been denied that skaven will only be 'monster play' altough this appears to be under some debate with players. o Warpstone will be implemented somehow * Can change name * Can transfer server * Maybe campaign redesign. Complete revamp of the old campaign system, no VP or timelocks anymore. There will much a much more clearer 'objective'. * Getting to RR80 will be easier. It was previously mentioned as making the 'curve' flatter but instead it now seems they will use renown boosting buffs. However it is done it will be easier. * Getting Annihilator, Conquerer, Invader, Warlord, Sovereign will be easier * When changes to crafting got mentioned 'no comment' was the response. This might mean there are crafting changes or it might not
So its all shaping up to be a bit more than what was first 'leaked'.
Note: Contary to rumour there will not be a cash shop offering armour sets for real cash.
Some other things on their way not related to the RvR pack:
* Pug vs premade issues are finally going to be looked at. However this does not mean we will get a change but at least its now being looked into - scenario match making has been mentioned. * 6v6 scenario at some point (my guess is they ran into issues while testing it or its still in progress) * No plans atm for a Tier 5
Ja jsem spokojen a jsem zvedav na oficialni oznameni, ktere poodhali zase vic informaci. To ze vy nejste a nebudete spokojeni je predem jasne. Vy byste jen vypinali hry, ktere vas nebavi. Ale vy si neuvedomujete, ze zijete v symbioze. Kdyby vsechny hry, ktere vas nechytly, zklamaly nebo vas proste nebavi zmizely z povrchu zemskeho na co jineho byste pak kydali? Sami na sebe? Kazdopadne je jasne, ze obrovsky expansion co prida do hry tunu noveho contentu najednou pravdepodobne nikdy neprijde, tedy ne pokud se nezvedne celkova populace dvojnasobne, ikdybych si to treba pral. Misto toho budou vydavat tyhle packy a rozvijet soucasnou hru. To musi byt jasne vsem, kdo maji dve oci. Je to smutne konstatovani toho, ze EA tuto hru nechce tlacit na ukor SW. Holt maji maly tym s omezenymi prostredky a tak jen zbyde doufat, ze s tim vykouzli zajimave veci a ze s takovymto dlc modelem budou slavit uspech. Taky je treba videt ten rozdil mezi PvE hrou jako WoW, kde staci jednou za 2 roky hodit nove mapy s milionem stejnych questu a recyklovanymi bos encountery a lidi sou spokojeni a RvR hrou, kde udelat neco takoveho by bylo mozne, ale nac zahazovat cely stary content. Mne se libi ta myslenka evoluce sveta, tak ze pribyvaji nove veci, ale ne tak aby znicili uplne ty stare. Nicmene celkove od spojeni s bioware se hra ubira spravnym smerem a doufam, ze bude i v tomto pripade. Tak zas za mesic, hosi. |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 27/08/2010 : 16:03:17
Tak jestli bude cokoliv noveho, tak to bude jednoznacne pozitivni zmena. Nejvetsi problem aktualniho who je, ze neni vyhled na nejaky vyvoj, neni kam smerovat. |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 27/08/2010 : 16:07:56
Getting Annihilator, Conquerer, Invader, Warlord, Sovereign will be easier
Aneb chceme vám ukázat, že jsme hra srovnatelná s WoW, proto nejlepší set bude mít každej debil, s trochou štěští ještě dřív, než vůbec dolevlí na 40.
Bez toho to třeba mohla bejt na měsíc i zajímavá expanze, ale toho zjednodušování je anjednou už moc. Ale chápu, že v tomhle stavu hry je to asi jediná možnost, co jim zbejvá. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2010 : 01:10:50
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Ve WoW nejlepší set každej debil určitě nemá 
Ale ma, je to jen otazka toho pockat si na dalsi content patch. |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2010 : 12:47:41
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Ve WoW nejlepší set každej debil určitě nemá 
Ok, takže je to tu tim pádem ještě lehčí. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2010 : 18:20:09
quote: Originally posted by Rahman
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Ve WoW nejlepší set každej debil určitě nemá 
Ale ma, je to jen otazka toho pockat si na dalsi content patch.
Wrathful hi end stejně nerozdaj všem... a to samý bych tvrdil o heroic ICC 25 setu. |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2010 : 18:53:01
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
quote: Originally posted by Rahman
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Ve WoW nejlepší set každej debil určitě nemá 
Ale ma, je to jen otazka toho pockat si na dalsi content patch.
Wrathful hi end stejně nerozdaj všem... a to samý bych tvrdil o heroic ICC 25 setu.
Ale jiste ze ano. V dalsi sezone mas stejny pvp set za afkovani v battlegroundech, pripadne lepsi pve set za grindeni easy normalu.
Warhammer uz bezi docela dlouho a ted teprve pristoupili k tomu, ze pridaji nove sety a ty stavajici zlevni. |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2010 : 10:40:28
Ne, protože další season nebude High Warlord's Battlegear taky byl ve hře dlouho, ale vše se začalo tak rychle měnit, že už ten system fungovat nemohl  |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2010 : 15:35:50
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Ne, protože další season nebude
Proč by neměla být? To, že mezi tím bude datadisk znamená jen to, že skok bude ještě mnohem větší, celej svůj stávající top equip budeš moci komplet zahodit. Proti tomu mi nějaké zlevnění starších setů ve who přijde naprosto směšné. |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2010 : 17:32:58
Protože mezi touto season a season v datadisku, bude velkej časovej skok a určitě si nikdo nebude na začátku kupovat wrathful, nábrž nějakej základní modrej set. Tím pádem už se nebude jednat o TOP set kde ho má každej.
Tak si tak řikám, že už každej mluvíme o něčem jiném.. |
Edited by - Shatteren on 29/08/2010 17:35:11 |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2010 : 19:12:06
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Protože mezi touto season a season v datadisku, bude velkej časovej skok a určitě si nikdo nebude na začátku kupovat wrathful, nábrž nějakej základní modrej set. Tím pádem už se nebude jednat o TOP set kde ho má každej.
Tak si tak řikám, že už každej mluvíme o něčem jiném..
Ne, jen stale odmitas cist, co pisu. Ve Warhammeru taky nezlevnuji top set - pridavaji nove sety, ktere ted budou top a ty stare zlevnuji. |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2010 : 19:44:25
Moment, u těch setů nikde není psáno, že budou top. Třeba to jen budou pve grind ekvivalenty pro posledních 6 lidí, co na serveru zůstanou, aby měli co dělat. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 30/08/2010 : 13:30:45
No tak jde v podstatě o tom samé, akorát příchodem datadisku bude item wipe. WoW má strašně rychlej progres, nedokážu si představit jiný řešení než přidáním pár lvl + výměnou equipu. Kdyby byla na lvl 60 nějaká t6, tak nevím jak by to chtěli balancovat, to prostě nejde. Každej by onehitoval. |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2010 : 13:47:44
coje noveho vo svete Cheathammeru? |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2010 : 16:25:15
Se mrkni na ofik stránky, ne? Tam maj žhavý nový info z 1.9. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
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