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mad kobold
1603 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2011 : 12:57:30
Cau, tak jsem zas po dlouhe dobe kouknul na herald a voni ty zmeny jsou sice pomaly ale spravnym smerem :)
* Players who fall through the floor/ground in RvR enabled zones will now take normal falling damage when they hit the ground, potentially killing them. PvE/RvR Death penalties apply and RPs will be awarded normally. * In light of recent events in Japan we will be turning off all house rent. * A new Quest completion icon has been added to the quest system. Any NPC having a quest you can complete with him will now display a blue knot above his head. * All players who are wielding two weapons will now reduce their target’s chance to block or evade by 25%. * Slam – the stun duration has been reduced to 5 seconds for all classes except for Heroes, Armsmen, and Warriors. * Quest rewards that you cannot use are now shaded red. Your selected item is now shaded a dark yellow. (UI Modifiers see engineering note below.)
BARD ! Balance Changes
* Dreamweaver – This ability will now also grant the bard a reactive snare proc. This snare proc will have a 20% proc rate and will apply a 40% snare that will last 15 seconds. This snare will not leave immunity. The reactive proc will be removed if Dreamweaver is removed.
Skald Balance Changes
* The Skald RR5 Epiphany has been removed. * A new RR5 has been added to the Skald Class. This ability, called Voice of Skadi, will render the Skald immue to crowd control effects for 30 seconds. This ability will be usable every 10:00.
UO - Yennefer, Jasra (DP) DAoC - Yenn, Yiyiy, Corwin,
Edited by - Yennefer on 09/05/2011 13:01:04
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2784 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2011 : 15:19:39
* In light of recent events in Japan we will be turning off all house rent. lol tohle me dostalo |
Dorlas TESO CzH, MdK, ReD, Ragnarok, Pohodari, Multa Nocent UO, SWG, WoW, VG, AoC, DF, EQ2, Rift, Swtor, GW2, Daoc - inactive
Average Member

1185 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2011 : 13:50:39
Jak udělat už tak dokonalou hru ještě dokonalejší. |
[online] family Nathal Tameisha tamer - EU - Black Desert Online [offline] Nathal Asthma berserker - Mordred PvP - Dark Age of Camelot [offline] Johanka cleric - UO Darkparadise |
1624 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2011 : 16:58:45
Dobry zmeny.
Kdyby nekdo sakra hral Mordred, hned bych se tam vratil...
Stale si myslim, ze DAoC byla nejlepsi hra, kterou jsem kdy hral. Ta zabava, kterou prinasel, se uz jen tak opakovat nebude. A i kdyz jsme se kolikrat u nej nastvali a i se hadali... stejne bych se rad vratil a mel moznost si jeste jednou prozit to co pred par lety. :) |
Deim Son - Člověk kterého milujete nenávidět. :) |

2784 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2011 : 17:14:29
quote: Originally posted by Deimnia
Dobry zmeny.
Kdyby nekdo sakra hral Mordred, hned bych se tam vratil...
Stale si myslim, ze DAoC byla nejlepsi hra, kterou jsem kdy hral. Ta zabava, kterou prinasel, se uz jen tak opakovat nebude. A i kdyz jsme se kolikrat u nej nastvali a i se hadali... stejne bych se rad vratil a mel moznost si jeste jednou prozit to co pred par lety. :)
asi tak... |
Dorlas TESO CzH, MdK, ReD, Ragnarok, Pohodari, Multa Nocent UO, SWG, WoW, VG, AoC, DF, EQ2, Rift, Swtor, GW2, Daoc - inactive
mad kobold
1603 Posts |
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