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Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 25/11/2008 : 20:07:14
Mno ..najlepsie by bolo kebyze nam napisali tento update a zatym poznamku "Dame to na server...Vcera".. ale to jaksik neni pravdepodobne 
Co sa tyka cinov, tak snad sa uz v 1.1 predvedu.. Ta RvR influence sice moze byt totalny flop ale moze to byt lepsie ako teraz dufame.. Ostatne veci ako tie keep upgrady, nejdem sa vytesovat nad tym ze ich to napadlo .. ked uz to mali raz v DAoC.. ale tesim sa z toho ze to tam idu dat.. Neviem si sice predstavit ako to presne bude fungovat..ale nejaka "udrzba" hradu tej hre naozaj chybala.. teraz uz len keby mohli prerobit samotne hrady ..ta jedna rampa ku keep lordovi v malinkej miestnosti je ciste fiasko uz od bety :) |
Junior Member
759 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 08:23:44
Muzes to brat tak, ze obranci nechteli stavet velkou rampu, aby tam nepratele nenabihali najednou. Rekl bych, ze kdyby si stavel hrad, urcite by si se to snazil utocnikum co nejvice zneprijemnit:][nebo bys chtel k brane do hradu obcerstveni, kaviar a kafe?:] Bude to jako vzdy, neco bude nebude. Neco bude fungovat, neco nebude fungovat. Kazdopadne vcera jsem byl u vytrzeni. Shodili WAR, rekli ze to pude za hodku a ono to opravdu slo. To se mi nestalo uz hodne dlouho. |
Mé dílo jsem Já, kdo jej neuznává, neuznává mě. |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 09:11:25
mne je v podstate jedno co zmenej podstatny je pro mne aby zmenama dosahli, ze mne bude open RvR bavit a budu mit duvod ho dlouhodobe parit pokud toho dosahnou budou ode mne dostavat penize - pokud ne tak nezaplatim... elementary my dear Watson :) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Junior Member
522 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 12:42:56
vcera byla bitka v avelornu, mohlo to bejt tak 100x100 odhadem, destra bylo asi krapet vic a prislo nam ze dost lagoval server |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 12:54:16
taku bitku som vcera videl na Azgale... asi 30 minut som tam healoval ale potom som musel ist spat, praca nepusti...
Este predtym som ale obehal regiony a snazil sa zohnat co najviac ludi do Avelornu  |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Junior Member
572 Posts |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 13:23:27
quote: Originally posted by Arach
vcera byla bitka v avelornu, mohlo to bejt tak 100x100 odhadem, destra bylo asi krapet vic a prislo nam ze dost lagoval server
byl jsem tam nelagovalo mne to vubec imho tam bylo tak 50x50 (v 7 vecer a pak cca v 10) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 18:52:13
tak to jsem zvedav, od MJ na VN
Yesterday I talked about the two major issues regarding the taking of a fortress. Here's a quick update:
1) Some (hopefully all) of the causes of the crashes/performance issues that have occurred during some sieges have been identified. Both are linked to the number of people who are involved in the events. Last night for example we had about 800 people descend on one fortress at the same time. The results of that were indeed a crash unfortunately. Of course, an 800 person battle is certainly large-scale and epic RvR and shows that lots of people are out on the servers engaging in oRvR.
2) The team is working on a server-side fix to solve the crashing issue(s) while we are also looking at whether a 800+ person fortress battle is doable even under the best of conditions.
3) As I expected, some of the performance issues were indeed client-side and the team is readying a patch which we hope will fix a bug which was the major cause of unusually low framerate/lag in large-scale RvR. We hope the patch will go up today and if it does what we expect it to do, it should help in all RvR and not just large scale RvR.
So, that's the quick update.
no mmo
Average Member

1466 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 19:54:11
800 ppl? To se mi nějak nechce věřit. |
Arokh Estarioll |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2008 : 21:25:02
1.0.6b changenotes
quote: Game Update 1.0.6b Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Patch 1.0.6b: 11/24/2008 Combat & Careers
Healer Archetype * Rampaging Siphon: This ability is no longer affected by Career Mastery Points.
Tank Archetype * Juggernaut: The tooltip for this ability has been corrected to reflect that the ability removes the effect of a stun, not a silence.
Archmage * Drain Magic: This ability will now correctly increase damage based on Career Mastery Points spent in the Path of Asuryan instead of the Path of Vaul.
Black Guard * Bolstering Anger: The Hate cost of this ability has been reduced. * Hate Mechanic: The rate at which Hate is generated has been adjusted. Between 0 - 30 Hate, you will gain 10 Hate per attack. Between 30 - 60 Hate, you will gain 5 Hate per attack. Between 60 - 100 Hate, you will gain 3 Hate per attack. * Hate from attacks will now build properly after gaining 30 and 60 Hate. * Pitiless Feeding: This ability will now increase the duration of Pitiless Strike and Mind Killer by the correct amount. In addition, this ability now affects the Terrifying Foe tactic instead of Hateful Strike. * Monstrous Ruin: This ability no longer affects Furious Howl. * Simmering Anger: This ability now builds 10 Hate each time you are critically hit by an enemy. The effect of this ability can only be triggered once per second.
Bright Wizard * Crown of Fire: This ability will no longer grant immunity from stun effects.
Chosen * All Chaotic Auras: The AP cost of these abilities has been reduced. Additionally, all beneficial effects from auras will now work on allies up to 150 feet away. * Dreadful Fear: This ability's effectiveness has been increased. * Corrupting Wrath: This ability's effectiveness has been increased. * Discordant Instability: This ability's effectiveness has been increased. * Dreadful Agony: If multiple Chosen are using this ability in the same area, enemies will only be affected by the most powerful one in use.
Disciple of Khaine * Wracking Agony: This ability will now correctly deal damage based on opponent's health percent. * Chalice Items: These items will now regenerate Soul Essence at the stated value. * Leaping Alteration: Multiple Zealots may now cast this ability on the same target.
Ironbreaker * Oathstone: This ability's cooldown has been greatly reduced. * Grumble and Mutter: This ability's Hate cost has been reduced. * Oath Friend: The rate at which Grudge is generated from your Oath Friend has been adjusted. Between 0 - 30 grudge you will gain 10 Grudge every time your Oath Friend is attacked. Between 30 - 60 grudge you will gain 5 grudge every time your Oath Friend is attacked. Between 60 - 100 grudge you will gain 3 grudge every time your Oath Friend is attacked. * Grudge from the Oath Friend ability will now build properly after gaining 30 and 60 Grudge.
Knight of the Blazing Sun * All Battle Commands: The AP cost of these abilities has been reduced. Additionally, all beneficial effects from Auras will now work on allies up to 150 feet away. * All Out Assault: If multiple Knights of the Blazing Sun are using this ability in the same area, enemies will only be affected by the most powerful one in use. * Biting Blade: The tooltip for this ability no longer incorrectly states that the ability snares. * Focused Mending: This ability now correctly increases the effectiveness of heals on party members. * Vigilance: This ability has been moved farther into the Path of Vigilance. Additionally, this ability now reduces incoming damage by 50% while reducing outgoing damage by 25% and has a 30 second cooldown. * Shining Blade: This ability has been moved farther into the Path of Vigilance and the cost has been increased. * Vicious Slash: This ability now has a 10 second cooldown. * Arcing Swing: This ability will now inflict a temporary Wounds debuff on the Knight's target. * Blazing Blade: This ability is an instant attack that DoTs the target. The DoT can be stacked up to three times. * Heaven's Fury: This ability has been moved farther into the Path of Glory and the cost has been increased. * Unbalancing Attack: This ability has been moved farther into the Path of Glory, and the amount of AP removed has been increased. * Efficient Swings: This ability has been moved father into the Path of Conquest. Additionally, this ability now reduces the AP cost of all Path of Conquest abilities by 35%. * Vigilance: This ability's cooldown has been increased to 60 seconds. * Slice Through: This tactic has been moved farther into the Path of Conquest and will now cause Crippling Blow to hit up to 2 additional enemies within 20 feet of your target. * Sunfury: This ability now reduces the Vicious Slash ability's cooldown by one second.
Magus * Warpfire: This ability is working properly again. * Tzeentch's Firestorm: This ability now correctly deals Elemental damage. * Daemonic Lash: This ability will hit targets in front of the caster more reliably than before.
Marauder * Mouth of Tzeentch: This ability will no longer cause a disoriented effect without the Insane Whispers tactic equipped.
Shaman * Gork'll Fix It: This ability now correctly stacks between multiple casters.
Sorcerer * Disastrous Cascade: This ability's tooltip now shows the correct damage. * Chilling Gusts: This tactic will now apply to the Ice Spikes ability.
Squig Herder * Poisoned Spine: This ability's tooltip will now show the correct debuff value. * Ard Noggin: This ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin ability. * Big Claw: This ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin ability. * Bounce: This ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin ability. * KABOOM! : This ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin ability. * Splinterin' Arrers: This ability's tooltip will now show the correct range. * Death from Above: This ability's knockdown animation will now display correctly.
Swordmaster * Potent Enchantments: This tactic now deals damage as soon as it procs. In addition, this tactic no longer increases Blade Enchant damage. * Gusting Wind: This ability's tooltip now displays the ability's knockback effect.
Warrior Priest * Greave of Sigmar: This ability's Toughness buff will now last its full duration. * Smite: This ability will no longer allow the player to be set back.
White Lion * Cleave Limb: This ability's snare effect will no longer stack with other snares.
Witch Elf * Swift Pursuit: This tactic will now properly increase movement speed when using Fleet-footed.
Witch Hunter * Trial By Pain: This ability has been fixed so that it no longer fires twice.
Zealot * Leaping Alteration: This ability's heal value is now correctly tied to the Path of Dark Rites, and will continue to leap to additional targets when cast upon the Zealot. * Dark Medicine: This ability now correctly stacks between multiple casters. * Sweeping Disgorgement: This tactic's tooltip now displays the correct level, based on your mastery specialization. * Endless Gifts: Group members who are given Marks of Chaos prior to this tactic being slotted will now receive full benefit of this tactic.
Realm vs. Realm * Boiling Oil: This siege weapon has had its health increased to better withstand enemy assaults in all tiers. * Tier 3 Battering Ram: This siege weapon has had its health increased.
Edited by - ManiaCCC on 26/11/2008 21:37:04 |
Junior Member
759 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 11:02:34
quote: Originally posted by Kořka
800 ppl? To se mi nějak nechce věřit.
Ale cte se to hezky:] |
Mé dílo jsem Já, kdo jej neuznává, neuznává mě. |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 11:25:24
Neni to nahodou na US serverech? Vubec bych se nedivil. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Junior Member
572 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 11:35:16
Urcite jo, on vzdycky mluvi jen o US pokud teda nereaguje na konkretni nadavky na GoA. Nicmene si myslim, ze to cislo zase nebude tak nerealny, i na Eltharionu kdyz byl Fortress siege bylo v zone nekolik low rank panaku takze je mozny, ze v tomto pripade se tam sla podivat pulka serveru |
Edited by - Lobos on 27/11/2008 11:35:28 |
Junior Member

510 Posts |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 13:47:08
myslim, ze cislo 800 je nerealne pre akykolvek server. Tak, aby sa to neprejavilo a hra nepresla na tahovu strategiu. |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 14:07:05
quote: Originally posted by Wuuduu
myslim, ze cislo 800 je nerealne pre akykolvek server. Tak, aby sa to neprejavilo a hra nepresla na tahovu strategiu.
Blizzard vraj vyvinul system ktory umozni mat "instancie" bez instancii (to je nadlho) a pomocou aj tohto systemu vraj dokaze udrzat stovky hracov na jednom mieste tak aby kazdy jeden o sebe vedeli ale pritom boli porozdelovani do roznych clusterov alebo dokonca servrou.. tento system vraj bude prvy krat pouzity pri novej MMO od blizzardu.. neviem ci sa jedna o famy ale je to informacia tak 3-4 mesiace stara a pochadzala pomerne z doverihodneho zdroja..tak uvidime :) |
Edited by - ManiaCCC on 27/11/2008 14:11:47 |
4085 Posts |
Junior Member

510 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 14:55:17
jj, přesně to jsem chtěl  |
Ninjagon |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 16:34:58
quote: Originally posted by Araya
quote: Originally posted by NINJA
pozdě ale přece The book of Heavy Metal - live event ve warhammeru:
Tema uryvkama od Manowaru jsi to pekne dobarvil, pac Manowar jsou Ti true heavy metal players 
Only true heavy metal of only true steel and other heavy minerals? |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Junior Member

510 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2008 : 17:16:09
quote: Originally posted by Filda LNL
quote: Originally posted by Araya
quote: Originally posted by NINJA
pozdě ale přece The book of Heavy Metal - live event ve warhammeru:
Tema uryvkama od Manowaru jsi to pekne dobarvil, pac Manowar jsou Ti true heavy metal players 
Only true heavy metal of only true steel and other heavy minerals?
To be or not to be in the book of heavy metal  |
Ninjagon |
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 28/11/2008 : 12:24:21
dneska jsem nekde narazil na informaci, ze v testu 1.0.6 je zkracen GCD na 1 sekundu... nevite nekdo jestli to bude oficialni uprava? |
no mmo
Junior Member

510 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2008 : 12:38:42
nevím ale jdu to hledat |
Ninjagon |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2008 : 23:50:27
quote: Folks,
Here's a quick update on where things stand as of this evening:
1) Patch 1.0.6 is looking good for going LIVE tomorrow.
2) The fix I talked about last week that will improve overall client performance in RvR, especially in high traffic situations, *may* go LIVE tomorrow. It involved a major change to the client and we need to be 100% sure that that we don't make some things better but at the same time, make some things worse with this change.
3) We hope to have a fix to the major issue that is causing fortress crashing going either to the PTS this week and/or possibly rolled out to one or two commercial servers this week as well for testing this week as well. As above, this also involved a significant change (but this time to the server) so we need to be a little bit more careful than usual before it's rolled out to all the LIVE servers.
4) I hope to be able to post tomorrow going into a little bit more detail about the influence system that we hope will go LIVE with 1.1. FYI, 1.1 is still looking good for going LIVE this month. It can still be pushed back of course but it's still on track as of today.
And no, I don't ignore threads once they get to a certain point but I do tend to stop commenting in them unless I have something useful to say. There is no point in simply saying "it's coming soon" again and again.
4339 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 06:58:37
Uz jsem v tom trosku zmateny...1.1 ma predstavit nove classy? Nebo uz tedka 1.06. Zmateny jsem proto, protoze uz ten na PTS obsahuje fixes pro tyto classy. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 07:22:23
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Uz jsem v tom trosku zmateny...1.1 ma predstavit nove classy? Nebo uz tedka 1.06. Zmateny jsem proto, protoze uz ten na PTS obsahuje fixes pro tyto classy.
1.0.6 by mela mit nove klassy a lidi co maj heavy metal event by je meli mit moznost hrat...
jinak vcera karak-azgal utok na maw nekolikrat odrazen pravdepodobnym rollbackem zony... + pak samozrejme uz tam bylo moc destraku tak uz se campovalo u war campu... takze jsem moooc zvedav na ty opravy open RvR... btw pri opravdu velkem poctu hracu na screenu ten engine kresli vyrazne mene souperu... docela bych ocenil kdyby to spis nekreslilo spoluhrace ale jen soupere... |
no mmo
4339 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 07:31:59
Dekuji za odpoved. A co Choppa ci Hammerer? To je 1.1 ci 1.3 jak kdosi zminoval na zahranicnim foru? Nevim totiz zda maji v planu predstavit tu "vicemene" hotovou classu samostatne anebo zase dve naraz. Coz by samozrejme vzalo vice casu na release. ;-) |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 07:53:38
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Dekuji za odpoved. A co Choppa ci Hammerer? To je 1.1 ci 1.3 jak kdosi zminoval na zahranicnim foru? Nevim totiz zda maji v planu predstavit tu "vicemene" hotovou classu samostatne anebo zase dve naraz. Coz by samozrejme vzalo vice casu na release. ;-)
o tech se prakticky nikde MJ uz dlouhou dobu nezminil, takze bych si dovolil uspesne pochybovat, ze jsou v planu driv nez 2.0 ;-) a jinak bych cekal, ze je daji jedine zaraz... protoze se da cekat, ze cutnou hammerera a to bych nechtel slyset ten krik kdyby dali do hry jen choppu ;-) uz tak to obcas vypada, ze devove hrajou jen destro :-p |
no mmo
Starting Member

83 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 08:06:26
Zdarrr, KotBS a BG budou dneska(EU asi zitra):
ohledne Hammerera a Chopy, pred nejakou dobou se v jednom interwiev MJ o nich zminil, ale nejsou ted top priorita. IIRC mimo jine uvedl, ze jedna z techto class by mohla byt nahrazena jinou. Hned se objevili spekulace Hammerer -> Slayer
- Durr ... |
Edited by - Durrbar on 02/12/2008 08:16:19 |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 09:39:41
vidim, ze sa snazia hracov oblbnut somarinami, ale aby riesili OBROVSKE problemy enginu, to radsej budu kazdy mesiac vypustat nove classy...
Vcera sme mali celkom super tanka, najprv sedel na mountovi aj pocas boja a potom sa stal uplne neviditelnym.
Mame problemy s enginom, ze nezvlada viac hracov, ze nezobrazuje niektorych hracov, ze nahodne bez priciny laguje, mobovia sa prepadavaju meter pod zem? Ze niekde prebieha velka RvR bitka a ludia sa snazia cely den, a nakoniec sa restartuje cela zona? Ako to vyriesime? Vypustime zblbnutemu stadu Slayera...
Tato RvR hra ma v sucasnej dobe len jeden jediny problem - ENGINE, ktory RvR nezvlada. A vobec nezalezi na HW na akom client bezi, ani na rychlosti pripojenia. Keby sa radsej vysrali na vsetky tie somarinky okolo a sustredili 100% sil na optimalizaciu a odstranenie bugov v engine, KOtB a podobne somariny ten problem neodstrania, mozno na cas ludom zaslepia oci... |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Junior Member
522 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 10:38:50
Wuuduu: dyk tam pisou ze budou optimalizovat klienta ne ? |
7950 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 10:56:04
Wudu zdaleka nemas pravdu to co hraci neodpousti je content, napr aoc se zalomilo naprosto chybne v tom, ze se snazili vyladit nevyladitelne a hraci kdyz nemeli content odesli |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 11:16:46
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
Wudu zdaleka nemas pravdu to co hraci neodpousti je content, napr aoc se zalomilo naprosto chybne v tom, ze se snazili vyladit nevyladitelne a hraci kdyz nemeli content odesli
To bude asi potrebne jedno z druhym, WAR je prezentovany hlavne ako RvR, nie? Neviem, ci content je prave tym najdolezitejsim, aj ked - pre mna je dolezity dost.
O optimalizacii klienta pisu snad od prvych notes... viem, ze to nie je robota na jedno posedenie. |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 14:57:01
Tak zase pre ferovost, tu optimalizaciu je citit..teda aspon ako sa to vyvja od bety.. sice tam obcas nieco zahaprovalo..a optimalizaion bolo skor klient alebo server gimp patch ale celkovo sa neda povedat ze by to stalo alebo by sa este zhorsovalo.. Velkych poctov.. mno.. ja osobne by som rad videl cisla pri ktorych to robi problemy ale viem ze este 3-4 warbandy vs dalsie 3-4 warbandy (boj pred keepom) bolo este v pohode..aspon u mna co sa klienta tyka a lagy od servra som nepocitoval tiez nejak vyrazne... a to mi uz pride relativne velke cislo na akukolvek onlinovku.
Veci ako lagy alebo NPC-cka pod zemou.. WoW to ma doteraz.. a nikoho to nijak extremne netankuje..
Kontent ako taky..nemam pocit ze by WAR malo malo kontentu.. pravdupovediac..pre hru ktora prave vysla je v hre kontentu viac nez dost.. problem je ze sa k tomu kontentu dostava velmi velmi tazko a hlavne moze byt dost problem pre niektorych.
btw..siria sa take famy (ale fakt neviem co je zdrojom - ale videl som to uz aj pisane v jednom iternetovom "platku") ze Choppa a ta dalsia classa sa objavi v patchy 1.3 |
Edited by - ManiaCCC on 02/12/2008 14:59:29 |
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 15:00:35
quote: Originally posted by Filda LNL
Tak takhle včera vypadaly Pustiny po dvou pádech serveru u Maw.
jses u destra? muzu se optat kolik vas tam asi tak bylo?
za order bych to odhadl kolem 4 warband...ale je fakt, ze detailni prehled nemam... navic jsem se pripojil po 1. padu zony, protoze jsme finisovali t3 u trposu... |
no mmo
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 16:06:16
Nejsem. 4 WB bejt mohly, u destra možná tak 6. Každopádně to bylo dost nehratelný. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 16:58:16
quote: Based on player feedback we have made some additional changes to Tier 4 Victory Point contribution. The following changes will reduce the amount of time necessary to capture a Tier 4 zone as well as place more emphasis on open field RvR: Battlefield Objectives and Keep contributions have been increased. PvE contribution has been decreased. Prior Zone control contribution has been decreased. The amount of Scenario Victory Points to take a zone has been decreased.
4339 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 17:02:31
Hm..dobry. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
4339 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 20:02:02
None GOA se prekonala.
We will be patching to version 1.0.6 tomorrow morning. All servers will be closed at 8am CET and we expect that the patch process will take all morning and so the servers will be unavailable until the afternoon. We will update this news throughout the day to keep you informed of the progress.
Version 1.0.6 brings a wide variety of changes to nearly all careers as well as a lot of bug fixes and general improvements. Those of you who completed the Heavy Metal event will also be able to create a Black Guard or a Knight of the Blazing Sun after the patch as well.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Edited by - Shemiramoth on 02/12/2008 20:02:28 |
Junior Member
572 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 20:16:49
Takhle to bylo vzdycky ne? |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2008 : 21:47:59
quote: Originally posted by Lobos
Takhle to bylo vzdycky ne?
Ani nevim, ale mel jsem trosku strach v pripade tohoto patche :-) |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2008 : 19:09:07
Já bych se bez toho patche obešel, protože změna Balance u některých skillů SM je hrozná... Místo aby ho srovnali na úroveň orka, tak ho ještě nerfnou... co na to říct. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Average Member

1183 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2008 : 20:35:53
Muze mit nekdo objektivni (tzn. ne fanboi nebo market) sdelit svuj nazor na 1.0.6 patch? Mam zkusenosti s tim, ze mythic ma sklony prohlasovat za opravene takrka cokoli.
Jak tam procitam fora, lidi porad musej mlatit do klaves, aby vystrelila moralka, misto plynulejsiho combat systemu se pridal 1s lag u vsech abilit a RvR laguje a crashuje stejne jako predtim. Implementovali ty nove animace ke skillum a zlepsili autoattack?
Nehodlam vyhazovat 3 kila, protoze jednou uz jsem naletel a stacilo bohate.
Takze opraveno nebo ne? |
MMOs failed. |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2008 : 20:41:44
Doteď jsem Mythic hájil, ale neopraveno, + balance patch mi přijde víc jako unbalance patch. Nejen že mi poku*vili skill, ale ještě mu změnili krásnou ikonku na hnusnou, která vypadá jak pro kotbs, fakt nechápu proč... |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2008 : 21:38:23
Patch 1.1 highlights
quote: Folks,
Patch 1.1 is going up on the PTS later today and after some more internal testing, we hope to open it up to the public tomorrow morning. So, as usual, here are the highlights. Please keep two things in mind before commenting on the highlights:
1) This patch was in development before 1.0.6 went LIVE so don't expect to see a lot of changes to 1.0.6 in there yet. We'll continue to hotfix whenever possible and possibly patch 1.1 with changes that have arisen because of the 1.0.6 patch. Again, let me say again that 1.1 has been on our internal servers for a quite a while because of the delay in getting 1.0.6 out the door and as such, doesn't have all the latest additions/changes we are working on.
2) As of now the complete patch notes are at 14 pages so the highlights do not even come close to representing all the fixes/changes in the game. This patch touches on more aspects of the game even than 1.0.6.
So, without further ado, here are the highlights from 1.1.
Open RvR Influence System – As part of our ongoing effort to encourage people to take part in oRvR, we are pleased to announce the release of an influence system geared solely to oRvR. Players who participate in this part of WAR will now have additional incentives for fighting for their realm. As part of this patch we have also made quite a number of changes and fixes to oRvR settings and NPCs as well. And as always, we have a lot more going in for oRvR over the next couple of months as well.
New Careers For Everyone - With this version the Empire’s Knight of the Blazing Sun, and the Dark Elf’s Blackguard are available for all players!
Easy Public Quests – PQs are great but sometimes it’s hard to get enough people together to complete them, especially in the lower tiers. So, we are redesigning one PQ per chapter so that it can be completed by 1-3 people.
Chat Hyperlinking – One of the most requested features by the community has been adding the ability to hyperlink items, abilities and quests in the chat window and now it has been added.
Armor Set Rebalance – After scrubbing through our armor sets we’ve made a lot of changes to ensure to various armor sets in the game to make them more useful and prized by the players.
Main Assist – RvR is exciting, chaotic and always challenging but this feature will make it just a little bit easier to help your group fight the good fight.
Player Statue System – Nothing says “you’ve made it” more than having a statue with your name on it in the capitol city of your realm.
New Content – Whether it is new lairs, new quests, new drops in dungeons, new PQ rewards and changes to items (such as cloaks), this patch is full of lots of fun new content additions to the game.
User Interface – Lots and lots of fixes, changes and new additions to our user interface and API functionality, new additions to the chat system and graphic options incorporating community requested features a channel flashing on activity, the ability to turn the chat bubbles on/off, a gamma slider and so much more.
Lots and lots of Bug Fixes - 'Nuff said.
The full notes will of course cover all of these highlights in greater detail.
Junior Member
544 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2008 : 21:53:03
tak, ako po novom lagovacom patchi ma v TA este nikto nenakopal, ako dnes, dvakrat po sebe - potom som WAR radsej vypol.
Potom som si uvedomil, ze to naozaj je, akoby omeskane (to bude ten 1s delay, lag alebo kua co...). Okrem toho, ze zmenili ikonky, pridali nejake bugy, napr. ze nemozem dobre buffovat grupku (proste mi to neslo) a ze sa zmenili efekty ... bla, bla.
Asi raz s 5 pokusov sa mi podarilo dat KB tak, aby som aspon niekoho trafil. |
EVE: H00d – [RG] / [-RZR-] – R.I.P. WAR: Klingac – Causa Justa / Karak Azgal – R.I.P. EQ2: Silwia Luisa – Undead / Runnyeye – R.I.P. GW: Luisa de Silwa – R.I.P. |
Junior Member
982 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2008 : 23:01:39
quote: Originally posted by Wuuduu
tak, ako po novom lagovacom patchi ma v TA este nikto nenakopal, ako dnes, dvakrat po sebe - potom som WAR radsej vypol.
Potom som si uvedomil, ze to naozaj je, akoby omeskane (to bude ten 1s delay, lag alebo kua co...). Okrem toho, ze zmenili ikonky, pridali nejake bugy, napr. ze nemozem dobre buffovat grupku (proste mi to neslo) a ze sa zmenili efekty ... bla, bla.
Asi raz s 5 pokusov sa mi podarilo dat KB tak, aby som aspon niekoho trafil.
Tak zlepšilo se trochu fps co jsem poznal i lidi to psali na foru takže asi jsem neměl jen nějaký dobrý pocit zrovna ale bude to pravda.
Mno a za další hlavně ten problém s 1 sekundovým lagem po jakémkoliv castícím skillu, kdy doběhne cast bar nasleduje 1 sec možná víc lag a pak dojde k dmg, healu.
Inža při 2 sec střelbě, BW při základím firebolu 3s cast, SW taktéž při všech cast speckách. Děs prostě to nejde hrát. |
Last hope......Guild Wars 2 "that's not a log, that's a DICK!"
New Member

303 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2008 : 05:44:53
uplně nerozumím .. 1,2 vteřinky se čekalo vždy (vědšinou) pak se heall nebo utočnej skill dostavil .. (jen buffi fungovaly dobře) Vlastně to mě hodně odrazuje od WhO .. momentálně skončilo předplatné a já se rozhoduji .... Je tam tedy ten lag stále?? nebo ho opravily? |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2008 : 07:40:37
Mě to lítá svižněji rozhodně po posledním patchi.   |
Topic  |