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4339 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  17:31:56  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vy masla!! Muzete pouzivat 3 core tactics, 1x Renown (RVR) tactic a 1x Tome of Knowledge tactic.

Celkem 5.

Core tactics nejdou narvat do Renown tactic slotu ci ToK slotu a vice versa.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 31/08/2008 17:33:38
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572 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  17:53:41  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Core jsou 4 na r40.
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Nogglli Guemaah
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202 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  18:09:01  Show Profile  Send Nogglli Guemaah an ICQ Message Send Nogglli Guemaah a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Noe
A já to dokonce chápu ak že můžu používat dohromady 7 taktik ... 4 core, 2 RvR a 1 PvE :) ... protože jinak by ta věta neseděla součtem 2 za RvR + 1 PvE = 3

Tak jak to tedy je

Jezisi, dyt to pise ninja, ze 7, ale ja se zminoval jen o te PvE, protoze ta se tady resila.

Shemiramoth: My jsme takovy masla, protoze vime, ze ToK taktiky maji bonusy vhodny pro PvE.

Edited by - Nogglli Guemaah on 31/08/2008 18:15:17
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572 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  18:22:52  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Nogglli Guemaah

Originally posted by Noe
A já to dokonce chápu ak že můžu používat dohromady 7 taktik ... 4 core, 2 RvR a 1 PvE :) ... protože jinak by ta věta neseděla součtem 2 za RvR + 1 PvE = 3

Tak jak to tedy je

Jezisi, dyt to pise ninja, ze 7, ale ja se zminoval jen o te PvE, protoze ta se tady resila.

Shemiramoth: My jsme takovy masla, protoze vime, ze ToK taktiky maji bonusy vhodny pro PvE.

Ne 7, ale 6.. 4 core + 1 rvr + 1 ToK !
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243 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  18:41:29  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Aby to bylo jasnější dám příklad (rune priest):
Core taktika = +126 willpower (na healing)
PvE (ToK) taktika = +5% větší dmg proti démonům
PvP (renown) taktika = po zabití greenskina v pvp - vyléční trocha HP
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Nogglli Guemaah
New Member

202 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  19:20:37  Show Profile  Send Nogglli Guemaah an ICQ Message Send Nogglli Guemaah a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lobos: Nepribude na 40lvl dalsi RvR taktika, stejne jako pribude jedna core taktika? S timhle si nejsu jistej, takze nebudu rikat jestli mas nebo nemas pravdu.
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297 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  19:22:57  Show Profile Send Pramen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mno muj lvl 40 WP mel teda 4x core, 1x rvr a 1x tok, presne jak psal Lobos.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  19:26:24  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kruci fix, tak jsem asi slepy. Skoda, ze si nemuzu tedka pustit klienta...

Edit: Jedine co me omlouva je, ze jsem netusil, ze na lvl 40 jsou 4..holt jsem byl pouze 31.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 31/08/2008 19:27:15
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3896 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  19:52:51  Show Profile  Visit nekrotyrael's Homepage Send nekrotyrael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Originally posted by nekrotyrael

Originally posted by NINJA
jednu za PvE.

Ctu spatne, ze?

Ani nie :) len to je trosku zle formulovane.. to by skor malo byt "Jednu NA PvE"..

Spadl mi kamen ze srdce. :]

AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia

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511 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  19:54:59  Show Profile Send Bottenanna a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tesi se tu nekdo na warhammer?

Ctím a dodržuji pravidla tohoto fóra
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Filda LNL
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723 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  19:57:10  Show Profile Send Filda LNL a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bottenanna

tesi se tu nekdo na warhammer?

Jasně, co je to za otázku?

Troll lepší fanboie.
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572 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  20:22:21  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak jsem zazil par bajecnych hodin s patcherem. S closed betou na disku mi stacilo jen pustit ten zazracny patcher a updatnout na open betu. Tak to teda pustim, programek nejdriv updatne sam sebe a pak ze se zacne stahovat. Uz nenaskocil...
Tak jsem smazal co jsem mel a stahnul ten downloader co ma GOA na svym webu. Pres noc se to nejak stahlo, rano koukam 100%, vsechno v poradku. Vypnu to teda a jdu pryc, odpoledne se vratim a hledam kde mam stazene soubory. Soubory nikde....
Po nekolikatem pouziti search funkce ve windows (mimochodem snad poprve v zivote) jsem zacal projizdet fora. Ukazalo se, ze downloader ma uplne nesmyslnou funkci a pta se, zda chcete stazene soubory ulozit, to ovsem pouze v pripade kdyz date "quit". Ja dal klasicky "krizek" a vsechno tak vymazal!
Ted po vikendu, jsem se vratil s tim, ze uz do GOA downloaderu nejdu a nazhavil sem torrent,ktery ma opet GOA na svych strankach...rychlost max 150kB/s.
Nakonec sem objevil nejaky pekny tracker z freddyshouse.com, ten uz dava 500kB/s, takze se za par hodin konecne podivam co je noveho

Tady je obrazek at ma Noggli klidne spani:p
r40 shaman, 4 core tact., rvr a tok nemam: http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/3271/lobos019px5.jpg

Edited by - Lobos on 31/08/2008 20:32:35
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916 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  20:38:38  Show Profile  Send terawatt an ICQ Message Send terawatt a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No ja už třetí den sosám toho clienta z torrentu průměrně 10KB/s. Mám už 9% a hlásí 13days a 8hours do 100% a nevidím v tom problém :)

I've survived Chernobyl,Y2K,9/11,Bird flu,Mad cow disease,Swine flu,Ebola outbreak, African Swine Fever,SARS, MERS,COVID-19, Brexit,..NIBIRU BRING IT ON.

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7 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  20:57:09  Show Profile Send haus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
terawatt: jen 10kb/s? ja to tahal z oficialniho torrentu(ten downloader je dost divnej a porad se zasekaval) v pohode 160kb/s, za 18h cely stahnuty
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916 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  21:06:49  Show Profile  Send terawatt an ICQ Message Send terawatt a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by haus

terawatt: jen 10kb/s? ja to tahal z oficialniho torrentu(ten downloader je dost divnej a porad se zasekaval) v pohode 160kb/s, za 18h cely stahnuty

Max 20Kb/s, lokální restrikce, to víš net za 100kč měsíčně, co bys chtěl? 18eho to ale zapínam na full speed :)

I've survived Chernobyl,Y2K,9/11,Bird flu,Mad cow disease,Swine flu,Ebola outbreak, African Swine Fever,SARS, MERS,COVID-19, Brexit,..NIBIRU BRING IT ON.

Edited by - terawatt on 31/08/2008 21:08:24
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ex sejra

1083 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  21:26:33  Show Profile Send Aramir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pouštěl jsem ten jejich downloader pouze dnes a včera ráno, a je to stažené. Rychlost kolem 1.5 MB
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3400 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  21:49:48  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kdy že ta open beta začíná?
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Posted - 31/08/2008 :  22:00:53  Show Profile Send Pramen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
7. září
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3400 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  22:13:03  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pramen

7. září

Fajn, to přijdu po denní dvanáctce a hurá pařit
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74 Posts

Posted - 31/08/2008 :  23:04:43  Show Profile  Send RedGuard an ICQ Message Send RedGuard a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos

Tak jsem zazil par bajecnych hodin s patcherem. S closed betou na disku mi stacilo jen pustit ten zazracny patcher a updatnout na open betu. Tak to teda pustim, programek nejdriv updatne sam sebe a pak ze se zacne stahovat. Uz nenaskocil...

Note: Kdo mel CB klienta a tohle semu stalo tak nepanikarit (sry Lobos. zes nerekl driv). To jak se patcher sam updatnul bylo na nejakou zmrsenou verzi. Stacilo tam vratit dva stary soubory a uz to zase jede normalne.

A ano. Ten downloader co pouzivaj na open beta klienta je fakt na ho*no. Kdo muzete jedte pres samostatnej torrent.

edit: typo

Edited by - RedGuard on 31/08/2008 23:05:57
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17 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  08:59:38  Show Profile  Send exparotiminator an ICQ Message Send exparotiminator a Private Message  Reply with Quote

A ano. Ten downloader co pouzivaj na open beta klienta je fakt na ho*no. Kdo muzete jedte pres samostatnej torrent.

Mam podobne zkusenosti, ten downloader z war-europe je nejaky pomrseny. Ze zacatku stahuje asi 500kb/s a pak po minute pokazde spadne na asi 12kb/s. Navic otevira nesmyslne mnoho tcp spojeni takze s tim mel dokonce jednu dobu problem muj firewall. Tak jsem zacal stahovat pres uTorrent a jede to pohodovych 150kb/s. Mate nekdo podobne zkusenosti?
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4085 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  09:24:25  Show Profile  Send Araya an ICQ Message Send Araya a Private Message  Reply with Quote
2Lobos: Me teda starej Closed client jede v poho dostanu se k serverum, ktere tam samozrejme nejsou, ale facha mi to v poho.
Kazdopadne na tomhle klientovi pujde hrat i ostra verze, takze zadne dalsi stahovani me neceka.
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1051 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  09:29:43  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To psali kde, Ary? To, že s CB klientem půjde hrát ostrá verze..

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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2156 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  09:37:25  Show Profile Send Gabriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nedávno tu proběhnul dotaz na sorcku, ale už jsem nezaznamenal odpověď, tak se i já přidám s podobným dotazem, máte zkušenost se sorckou ? Je to zábavné a použitelné povolání ?
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3400 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  09:41:10  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NoX

To psali kde, Ary? To, že s CB klientem půjde hrát ostrá verze..

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1051 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  09:50:49  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Aha, díky

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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4085 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  10:05:27  Show Profile  Send Araya an ICQ Message Send Araya a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NoX

Aha, díky

byl jsem pomalej :o))
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7950 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  10:08:19  Show Profile  Send Pertha an ICQ Message Send Pertha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
teda ten jejich downloader to je ale vymyslenost :D stahuje me to celou noc , podle routeru to stahlo 8 giga , rano vstanu a je tam naka chybova hlaska ze to provedlo neplatnou operaci nebo co , tak ji odklepnu, spustim to znova a
no to byste nerekli stahuje to znova :)

Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine.
Yours, Scissors.
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243 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  10:11:41  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To je asi nějaká chyba. Během Bety to vždy fungovalo tak, že si stahoval 100MB bloky. Šlo to kdykoliv přerušit a on příště navázal kde skončil. Doma přes UPC jsem měl poslední CB staženou mezi 3-4 hodiny...
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916 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  10:17:45  Show Profile  Send terawatt an ICQ Message Send terawatt a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gabriel

Nedávno tu proběhnul dotaz na sorcku, ale už jsem nezaznamenal odpověď, tak se i já přidám s podobným dotazem, máte zkušenost se sorckou ? Je to zábavné a použitelné povolání ?

Jestli máš čas, určitě si přečti "class guides" na: http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=210
velice umně rozepsané a vysvětlené. Z toho co jsem se dočetl rozumím, že Sorce se říká "glass cannon", má hodně instantek a většina abilit generuje "Dark Magic", čím víc Dark Magic, tím větší damage, ovšem když to přeženeš, tak nad 71 Dark Magic jdou tvoje HP urputně rychle k nule :)

I've survived Chernobyl,Y2K,9/11,Bird flu,Mad cow disease,Swine flu,Ebola outbreak, African Swine Fever,SARS, MERS,COVID-19, Brexit,..NIBIRU BRING IT ON.

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7950 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  10:35:05  Show Profile  Send Pertha an ICQ Message Send Pertha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Oralin

To je asi nějaká chyba. Během Bety to vždy fungovalo tak, že si stahoval 100MB bloky. Šlo to kdykoliv přerušit a on příště navázal kde skončil. Doma přes UPC jsem měl poslední CB staženou mezi 3-4 hodiny...

kdyz to korektne ukoncim tak to muzu navazat , kdyz to spadne tak to zacne uplne od zacatku :) tak si asi nastavim v noci budika kazdy dve hodiny to ukoncit a spustit znovu, nebo nevim co si predstavujou :D

Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine.
Yours, Scissors.
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ex sejra

1083 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  10:36:59  Show Profile Send Aramir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Když ten downloader ukončíš tlačítkem "quit", tak se tě to zeptá, jestli chceš aktuální průběh stahování uložit. Pokud to zavřeš křížkem ,nebo ti to spadne, tak si v kelu :)

Edited by - Aramir on 01/09/2008 10:37:23
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2217 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  11:03:12  Show Profile  Visit Noe's Homepage  Send Noe an ICQ Message Send Noe a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Araya

2Lobos: Me teda starej Closed client jede v poho dostanu se k serverum, ktere tam samozrejme nejsou, ale facha mi to v poho.
Kazdopadne na tomhle klientovi pujde hrat i ostra verze, takze zadne dalsi stahovani me neceka.

sláva, dík za info ... mám to tak stejně dostanu se k serverům jen jsem se bál novýho stahování


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Posted - 01/09/2008 :  12:02:18  Show Profile  Send RedGuard an ICQ Message Send RedGuard a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Je to fakt. Ta starsi verze fungovala bez problemu, a taky to po sobe nemazalo ty stazeny data. To je videt jak tomu tam u nich zas nekdo rozumi.
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Posted - 01/09/2008 :  13:26:17  Show Profile  Send AgonySan an ICQ Message Send AgonySan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Co si myslite,že je nejlepsi strom pro DoK? Zatim se mi zda, že Dark Rites.

The Darkness you are afraid off, am not! The Darkness is afraid of me!
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297 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  13:43:51  Show Profile Send Pramen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Stromy jsou na delsi debatu, zde je na hraci, zda chce byt vice solokapr, nebo vice uzitecny do grupy nebo ruzne kombinovat. Sice je fajn mit nacpano full v jedne lajne - kvuli lvl 40 abilitkam, ktere jsou ve strome a zlepseni effective abilitkam, ktere souvisi s urcitou linii.

Osobne se mi dost libi Torture DoK, protoze taktika, ze kdyz da crit (a jeste ma DW - 2 zbrane), tak potom jsou healy 100% less effective, moc pekne do assist trainu.

Ale jak rikam, kazdy strom ma sve vyhody, je tedy na hraci a na grupe, co pozaduji.

Edited by - Pramen on 01/09/2008 13:57:39
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Posted - 01/09/2008 :  13:52:17  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Asi tu ještě nezaznělo, že v closed betě byla zdarma možnost respec. Takže nebylo třeba si nějak lámat hlavu, jestli jsem ten bodík vložil sem nebo tam.

Jak to bude v retailu, tak to netuším. Snad napoví OB.
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2217 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  14:22:09  Show Profile  Visit Noe's Homepage  Send Noe an ICQ Message Send Noe a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No já mám zatím u DoK zcela vyrovnané pohledy na první dvě větve.
Rozhodně mě láká v druhé větvi to damage AoEčo (Fell Sacrifice) a v první větvi ta AoE regenerace grupy (Khainess Vigor) - a pokud chci obě tak třetí větev zcela opomenu a k těmto dvou AOE ještě dám body do (Restored Motivation, Soul Shielding, Khains Bounty, BloodThirst a Bleed Out)

Co mě ale zajímá nejvíce je pasivní abilita Restored Motivation, která pokud to chápu dobře by měla nabíjet morale body po použití kouzla Restored Essence což by vůbec nemuselo být špatný dostat se tímhle rychle k možnosti castit Morale core i vyšších ranků.
Pokud ale nebude taková imba tak bych jí spíš vyměnil za damage Sanguinary Extension.

Dál mě zajímá co vlastně dělá Persistent Rending protože ovlivnuje Rent Soul což je podle super kouzlo ale nevím jak přesně ho ovlivnuje.


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Posted - 01/09/2008 :  14:41:41  Show Profile  Send terawatt an ICQ Message Send terawatt a Private Message  Reply with Quote
DoK je zajímavá classa, jen 2x "single target" healy a i to jsou DOTky, jestli mu to má stačit na 1vs1 PVP, tak v grupě musí být bůh :)

I've survived Chernobyl,Y2K,9/11,Bird flu,Mad cow disease,Swine flu,Ebola outbreak, African Swine Fever,SARS, MERS,COVID-19, Brexit,..NIBIRU BRING IT ON.

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4339 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2008 :  14:54:15  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Panove zalozte si special topic na classu. Treba Warrior Priest - diskuze atp. Bude to prehlednejsi a navic si kazdy najde co potrebuje. Warhammer Online topic neni uplne nejvhodnejsi.


P.S> budu delat zase rozcestnik jako v AOC (pruvodce), takze to kazdy najde, i kdyby to byl o par stran dale.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 01/09/2008 14:55:25
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5760 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2008 :  02:25:10  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by terawatt

DoK je zajímavá classa, jen 2x "single target" healy a i to jsou DOTky, jestli mu to má stačit na 1vs1 PVP, tak v grupě musí být bůh :)

DOT heal to je něco jako sado-maso ne?

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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4328 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2008 :  07:10:04  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nevite kdy pojede opet closed beta patcher?

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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Nogglli Guemaah
New Member

202 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2008 :  08:28:46  Show Profile  Send Nogglli Guemaah an ICQ Message Send Nogglli Guemaah a Private Message  Reply with Quote
pisou, ze az se bude blizit open beta :)
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982 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2008 :  10:47:17  Show Profile Send Jaffa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Teď mě napadlo je ve hře nějaká Auction Hall a pokud ano je dost kvalitní nebo je to nějaký odfláknutý nedodělek ala AoC?

Last hope......Guild Wars 2
"that's not a log, that's a DICK!"
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Filda LNL
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Posted - 02/09/2008 :  10:49:48  Show Profile Send Filda LNL a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jaffa

Teď mě napadlo je ve hře nějaká Auction Hall a pokud ano je dost kvalitní nebo je to nějaký odfláknutý nedodělek ala AoC?

Já teda CB bohužel nehrál, snad ti někdo odpoví líp než já, ale mám pocit, že sem někde čet, že při releasu nebude, což mě dost zaskočilo. Snad se mýlím.

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New Member

297 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2008 :  10:52:24  Show Profile Send Pramen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jaffa

Teď mě napadlo je ve hře nějaká Auction Hall a pokud ano je dost kvalitní nebo je to nějaký odfláknutý nedodělek ala AoC?

Jiste, Auction Hall tam je, tedy jsou. Kazde hlavni mesto jich ma nekolik, aby vsichni lide, co budou obchodovat, nestali jen u jednoho mista.

edit: V CB nebyli funkcni.

Edited by - Pramen on 02/09/2008 10:56:34
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630 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2008 :  20:05:05  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Beta Build Notes: 09/02/2008

*NOTE* - Players are now limited to one realm per server. This reflects the set-up of servers at launch and promotes a more balanced RvR environment for testing.

Combat & Careers
The Careers and Combat team has been very busy combing through your feedback and making the changes they think are necessary to these areas. Here are some of the changes that have been made. The duration of many buffs and debuffs has been extended. Many abilities have been relabeled as Hex, Curse, Ailment, Blessings or Enchantments. Extensive balance work has been done, focusing on the Engineer, Magus, and Squig Herder. Finally, Tanks, Rogues, and Melee Healers have gained Shatter style abilities to help remove enemy buffs.

Ability training costs have been slightly reduced for careers which have more abilities to train.
Book of Binding: This ability has been changed from an item to an ability. All players will now begin with this ability.
Bolster no longer persists across zones or login.
Players should now receive their 2nd RvR Tactic slot at Realm Rank 20.
At Realm Rank 65, players are automatically given a buff that permanently increases their total AP Pool size by 25.
At Realm Rank 75, players are automatically given a buff that permanently increases their total AP Pool size by 25 (to a total of 300).
Players will automatically get an extra Mastery Point at Renown Ranks 40, 50, 60 and 70. This brings the total number of Mastery Points a career can earn to 29.
At Realm Rank 80, players will receive a passive buff which gives them a bonus to every Mastery Path as if they spent one point in each path.
Many abilities have been relabeled as Hex, Curse, Ailment, Blessings or Enchantments.

Death System
Players who have been resurrected will now receive a 50% debuff to all statistics, except wounds, for one minute.
Players will now receive a 10% debuff to wounds each time they release from death. These debuffs stack with themselves up to 50%.
The debuff lasts 15 minutes if a player was to die and release in PVE.
The debuff lasts 3 minutes if a player were to die and release in RVR.

Guild Standards
Enhanced Destruction I, II, III: These abilities have been removed and replaced by Forceful Magic I, II, III: The effectiveness of these abilities has been reduced.
Forceful Weapons I, II, III: The effectiveness of these abilities has been reduced..
Forceful Bolts I, II, III: The effectiveness of these abilities has been reduced.
Forceful Mending I, II, III: The effectiveness of these abilities has been reduced.
Players will now gain Renown Points for successfully capturing an enemy's planted Guild Standard.

Melee Archetype
Confusing Movements: This ability now works correctly.

Ranged DPS Archetype
Explosive Shots: This morale ability will now only activate once per second.

Tank Archetype
Focused Offense: The effectiveness of these abilities has been reduced, and we have changed the damage-taken debuff to an armor debuff.

Dark Elf Racial Tactics
Increased Pain: This ability has been replaced by Bathing In Blood.

High Elf Racial Tactics
Centuries of Training: This ability’s effect no longer stacks with itself.

Storm of Cronos: The duration has been increased.
Feel the Winds: The duration has been increased.
Law of Age: The duration has been increased.
Cleansing Light: This ability now removes one Ailment or Hex from your target.
Storm of Cronos: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Feel the Winds: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Law of Age The duration of this ability has been increased.

Black Orc
Hold the Line: The reuse timer has been removed.
Shatter Enchantment: A new ability which removes an Enchantment from your enemy. Upon removal, your enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 22.
Wot Armor: This ability now stacks correctly between multiple Black Orcs. The effect has been changed.
Da Biggest: This ability’s triggered effect now last 20 seconds.
Follow me Lead: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds.
Tuffer n Nails: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds.
Right in Da Jibblies: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds.
Wot Armor?: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds.
Da Greenest!: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds.
Saving Me Hide: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds..
Big Swing: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds.
We'z Bigger: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds., and increases armor by slightly less.
WAAAAAAAAGH: This ability’s effect now last 20 seconds.
Plan mechanic now advances whether or not the target defends against it.
Da Biggest!: This ability’s effect now triggers a random stat drain from all targets near you.
Da Greenest!: This ability’s effect now triggers a resist buff to your group based on the type of magic damage taken.
Da Toughest!: This ability’s effect now triggers a wounds buff and will heal you for the difference.
An Bestest!: Da Biggest will now affect members of your group in the radius.

Bright Wizard
Cauterize: This ability now removes one Curse, Ailment, or Hex.
Favourable Winds: This ability has been removed
Backdraft: This is a new ability which has been added to the Path Of Conflagration.

Hold the Line: Removed the reuse timer of this ability.
Sever Blessing: This ability now removes a Blessing from your target. Upon removal, your enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 22.
Cleave: This abiltiy now stacks correctly between multiple Chosen.
Seeping Wound: The damage of this ability has been increased.
Blast Wave:We have increased the duration on the debuff.
Oppression: We have increased the duration on the armor buff.

Disciple of Khaine
Consume Strength: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Warding Strike: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Consume Enchantment: This ability now removes an Enchantment from your enemy. Upon removal, your enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 25.
Uncaring Dismissal: This ability is now available at level 40.
Patch Wounds: This ability now removes one Ailment or Hex from your target.

All Turrets
Now use abilities based purely on cool down times, instead of weighted random changes.
May now be ordered to use any of their abilities.
Now have autoattacks.
Special abilities are now learned from your trainer as you gain ranks.
Gun Turret
Shot renamed to Penetrating Round, and effect changed.
Penetrating Round is now trained at rank 7.
Machine Gun is now trained at rank 18.
Bombardment Turret
Grenade renamed to Cannon Shot, and effect changed.
High-Explosive Grenade is now trained at rank 13.
Shock Grenade is now trained at rank 23.
Flame Turret
Scorcher renamed Steam Vent, and effect changed.
Flamethrower is now trained at rank 11.
Steam Vent is now trained at rank 21.
Slow And Steady: This ability has been removed.
Pepper Bomb: This ability has been removed.
Ammo Compartment: This ability has been removed.
High-Explosive Ammo: This ability has been removed.
Spanner Swipe: This ability has been removed from the Path of the Tinkerer, changed to a Hex, and had its duration increased.
Fire Bomb: The ability has been moved to Level 2, complete redesign.
Friction Burn: We have changed the effect of this ability, increased its cool down, and changed it to a Hex.
Acid Bomb: We have increased the cost of this ability, changed its effect, and changed it to a Hex.
Flame Turret: This ability has been moved to rank 6.
Blunderbuss Blast: This ability has been moved to rank 6, removed build time, removed cool down, reduced radius, and reduced damage.
Bombardment Turret: This ability has been moved to rank 8.
Incendiary Rounds: This ability has been moved to rank 9, had its duration increased, and changed to a Hex.
Flak Jacket: This is a new ability at rank 11.
Hip Shot: The minimum range has been removed and its damage reduced.
Flashbang Grenade: We moved this to rank 14 and changed its effect.
Fragmentation Grenade: The damage has been adjusted and it has been changed to a Hex.
Land Mine: This ability has been moved to rank 18 and its effect has been changed.
Concussion Grenade: This ability has been moved to rank 20.
Burn Salve: This ability has been moved to rank 28 and changed to Enchantment.
Signal Flare: This ability has had its effect changed, and has been moved into the Path Of The Rifleman.
Static Discharge: This is a new ability which has been added at rank 35.
Phosphorous Shells: This ability has been moved into the Path Of The Rifleman and its effect has been changed.
Sticky Bomb: This is a new ability added to the Path of the Grenadier.
Napalm Grenade: : This is a new ability added to the Path of the Grenadier
Strafing Run: : This is a new ability added to the Path of the Grenadier,.
Lightning Rod: : This is a new ability added to the Path of the Tinkerer,.
Bugman's Best: The effect of this ability has been changed.
Concussive Mine: The effect of this ability has been changed.
Reinforced Casing: This ability no longer summon turrets with "missing" health. The bonus wounds are now granted and immediately healed.
Tracer Rounds: This ability no longer provides benefit when you have no Turret up.
Burn Gel: This is a new ability gained at rank 7 that increases your groups Elemental resists.
Engineers will now gain more Weapon Skill per level as they level up.
Engineers will now gain less Strength per level as they level up.
All pet abilities will now queue up on the pet for up to 5 seconds each, until they successfully fire.

Vengeful Strike: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Guarded Attack: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Inspiring Attack: The duration of this ability has been increased.
tone Breaker: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Stubborn as Stone: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Hold the Line: This ability’s reuse timer has been removed.
Sever Blessing: This ability now removes a Blessing from your target. Upon removal, your enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 22.
Dwarven Riposte: This ability now builds the correct amount of Grudge.
Oath of Vengeance: This ability now properly buffs allies around your Oath Friend.
Stone Breaker: This ability now has a reduced cool down time, reduced damage, and we have removed the Great weapon requirement.
Stone Breaker: This ability’s Armor debuff is now percentage-based.
Stone Breaker: This ability has been moved to rank 16.
Rune-Etched Axe: This ability now has a reduced cool down time.
Rune-Etched Axe: This ability has been moved to rank 35.
Rune Etched Axe: This ability will no longer ignore line of sight.
Grudge Bearer: We fixed an issue that allowed the mechanic of this ability to show in in the ability window.
Cave-In: The cost of this ability has been increased, and its cool down and knockdown duration reduced.
Shield of Reprisal: This ability no longer adds additional grudge, and will now Knockdown for 3 seconds.
Away With Ye: Damage and Grudge cost of this ability has been reduced.
Guarded Attack: The cost of this ability has increased.
Oath Friend: This ability should once again build grudge as intended. It will now remove itself from the caster if the Oath Friend leaves the group, and two Iron Breakers Oath Friending each other will no longer over write the effect on one.

Daemonic Maw: This is a new melee ability which deals damage and will snare Hexed targets.
Rend Winds: This ability is now available at rank 2.
Strengthen Thrall: This ability is now available at rank 3.
Infernal Blast: This ability’s cost has been reduced, its build time removed, and it now deals Elemental damage over time. Its arc has increased, and its range has decreased. It is now available at rank 4 and associated with Path of Daemonology.
Glean Magic: This ability’s cost has increased, and it is now an AoE Spirit DoT and Spirit resist Hex debuff lasting 20 seconds. It is now associated with Path of Changing.
Daemonic Lash: The cost and damage of this ability has been reduced, its cool down removed, and it and now deals Spirit damage to all targets in front of you. It is also now available at rank 4.
Baleful Transmogrification: This is a new Path of Havoc ability obtained at rank 9. It Hexes target with an Elemental DoT.
Tzeentch's Grip: This ability has been renamed Tzeentch's Grasp.
Surging Violet Fire: This ability is now obtained at rank 12.
Surge of Insanity: The cost of this ability has increased, and now has 1 second build time and 10 second cool down. It now interrupts and deals Spirit damage to the target and those around them, and is now available at rank 14.
Pandemonium: This is a new Path of Changing ability available at rank 16. It Hexes targets in AoE with a Spirit DoT.
Daemonic Infestation: A New Path of Daemonology ability available at rank 18, which summons a minor daemon that explodes when approached by enemies.
Warping Blast: The cost, damage, build time, cool down and knock back of this ability have all been reduced. Its snare aspect has been removed. It now deals Spirit damage and is no longer a mastery ability. It is now available at rank 20 and is associated with the Path of Changing.
Resummon: This is a new ability obtained at rank 22 that teleports your current pet to you.
Instability: This ability is now available at rank 25.
Daemonic Resistance: This ability is now available at rank 28.
Withered Soul: This is a new Path of Havoc ability which deals damage over time while reducing the target's Disrupt chance.
Mutating Blue Fire: This ability is now available at rank 35.
Warpfire: This is a new Path of Demonology ability available at rank 40, which is a channeled Elemental PBAE.
Perils of the Warp: This ability now deals damage whenever the target uses magic.
Tzeentch's Firestorm: The casting range of this ability has increased, and it can now be obtained 5 steps into Path of Havoc.
Seed of Chaos: The cost and DoT damage have been reduced, and this ability now deals spirit damage. Also, the explosion damage has been increased.
Dissolving Mist: This ability is now a Mastery ability which can be obtained 9 steps into the Path of Changing. Its effect can now target the ground to summon a cloud of damaging mist that grows more powerful the longer it is out.
Indigo Fire of Change: This ability can now can be obtained 13 steps into the Path of Daemonology, and now deals Spirit damage.
Agonizing Torrent: This ability is now a Mastery ability which can be obtained 5 steps into the Path of Daemonology. Its cost and cool down have increased, and its build time reduced.
Aegis of Orange Fire:This ability is now a Mastery ability which can be obtained 9 steps into the Path of Daemonology. It now increases Wounds and heals the Magus for the difference, as well as dealing Elemental damage back to anyone striking the Magus in Melee combat.
All turrets: Turrets now use abilities based purely on cool down times, instead of weighted random chances.
All turrets: Turret special abilities are now learned from the Magus’ trainer as they gain ranks.
Daemonic Consumption: This ability is now available at rank 7 and its effect has changed.
Daemonic Fire: This ability is now available at rank 17 and its effect has changed.
Flame of Tzeentch: This ability is now available at rank 13 and its effect has changed.
Flames of Change: This ability is now available at rank 13 and its effect has changed.
Warping Energy: This ability is now available at rank 11 and its effect has changed.
Coruscating Energy: This ability is now available at rank 21 and its effect has changed.
Daemon Infestation: This is a new ability available 13 steps into the Path of Daemonology. It summons a small daemon that explodes when approached by enemies, knocking them down.
Boon of Tzeentch: This ability has been removed.
Swat Aside: This ability has been removed.
Theft of Words: This ability has been removed.
Exchange Vitality: This ability has been removed.
Pets now internally queue their abilities, making them more reliable to activate.

Touch of Instability: This ability’s damage has been increased.
Rend: This ability now stacks correctly among multiple Marauders.
Corruption: We increased the duration of the debuff.
Assault: We increased the duration of the buff.
Pulverize: We increased the duration of the debuff.
Wave of Mutilation: We increased the duration of the debuff and damage over time, and increased the damage on the damage over time ability.
Deeply Impaled: We increased the duration of the debuff.

Rune of Cleansing: This ability now removes one Curse or Ailment from the Runepriest’s target.
All Master Runes are now placeable ground target effects with 30 second cool downs and 30 second durations.
Rune of Warding: This ability now only affects Corporeal Resist.
Rune of Shielding: This ability is now instant cast, but has a 20 second cool down.
Regenerative Shielding: This ability’s tooltip now mentions that armor boost will also ignore armor penetration from attacks.
Ancestor’s Blessing: This ability’s tooltip now mentions that this ability will not affect the caster.
Rune of Nullification: Now mentions debuff duration.
Spec Tactics are now properly classified as Spec tactics.
Rune of Shielding: The cool down of this ability has increased to 20 seconds as originally intended.
Rune of Preservation and Concussive Runes: These abilities will no longer stack with other De-taunts.

Shadow Warrior
Eye Shot: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Wrist Slash: The duration of this ability has been increased.
No Respite: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Hunter's Fervor: This ability is now an Enchantment
Eye Shot: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Wrist Slash: The duration of this ability has been increased..
No Respite: The duration of this ability has been increased.
Fell the Weak: The damage of this ability has been decreased if the target is greater than or equal to 20% health. Its damage has been increased significantly, if the target is below 20% health. Also, the healing debuff duration has been increased.

Greener ‘n Cleaner: This ability now removes one Curse or Ailment from your target.
Yer A Weaklin’: We have increased the duration of the debuff.
Stop Hittin’ Me: We have increased the duration of the debuff
Scuse Me!: We have increased the duration of the debuff
You’z Squishy: We have increased the duration of the debuff
Hurts, Don’t It?: We have increased the duration of the debuff

Most hostile effects are now Curses.
Word of Pain: We have increased the cost and reduced the damage of this ability, and it now stacks correctly among multiple Sorcerers.
Umbral Strikes: This ability has been renamed Frozen Touch.
Shadow Spike: This ability has been renamed Ice Spikes.
Stricken Limbs: This ability has been renamed Frostbite.
Cataclysmic Darkness: This ability has been renamed Arctic Blast.
Dire Blast: We have increased the damage of this ability.

Squig Herder
Squig Armor: The Squig Herder can no longer use a mount while inside Squig Armor. This ability is now Level 9. Also, it is now a toggle that increases toughness, strength and wounds
New abilities have been added for use inside of squig armor: ‘Ard Noggin, Big Claw, BOOM!, Indigestion, Big Bouncin!
All Squigs have had their stats adjusted. They should now deal slightly more damage and be slightly tougher.
The basic Squig now has two new abilities: Squig Squeal and Death From Above.
Summon Horned Squig: This ability now increases the range of the Squig Herder’s ranged abilities.
Cut Ya! Is now a rank 8 ability.
Don’t Hit Me! Is now a rank: 30 ability.
Bounce is now a rank 30 ability.
Shout: This ability has been removed.
Lemme Out! This ability has been removed.
Bite This ability has been removed.
Spin 'n Slash: This ability has been removed.
Foot Stab: This ability has been removed.
Head Butt: This ability now deals a medium knockback as well as damage.
Summon Gas Squig: This ability now increases the Squig Herder’s Armor.
Bad Gas: This ability now deals PBAE damage and heals the Squig Herder if he is inside the radius and inside Squig Armor.
Goop Shootin’: This ability’s damage has been increased.
Poisoned Spine: This is a new ability which has been added to the Spined Squig.
Spine Fling: This ability now deals channeled damage.
Stabbity: This ability’s damage has been increased
Chomp: This ability has been renamed to Git Em! and its effect has been changed so that both the Squig Herder and Squig deal damage.
Cut Ya!: The damage of this ability has increased
Drop That!!: Will now disarm and deal damage to the target. Build has inceased, cost has increased, reuse has increased.
Don’t Hit Me!: The cost of this ability has decreased, and its damage has increased.
Bad Gas!: This is a new ability that heals the squig herder and pet, as well as increasing cool downs of enemies within the radius.
Finish Em Off: The damage of this ability has been decreased if the target is greater than or equal to 20% health. Its damage has been increased significantly, if the target is below 20% health.
All pet abilities will now queue up on the pet for up to 5 seconds each, until they successfully fire.

Sword Master
Wrath of Hoeth: The duration of this ability has increased.
Crushing Advance: The duration of this ability has increased.
Hold the Line: We removed the reuse timer of this ability.
Shatter Enchantment: This ability now removes an Enchantment from the Sword Master’s target. Upon removal, the Sword Master’s enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 22.
Phoenix’s Wing: The damage of this ability has been reduced.
Ether Dance: This ability now correctly ticks 5 times instead of 6.
Dampening Talon: Dragon's Talon now reduces Block and Parry on target as well.
Wrath of Hoeth: The duration of this ability has increased.
Crushing Advance: The duration of this ability has increased.
Stance: The mechanic of this ability now advances regardless of whether or not the target defends against it..
Wall of Darting Steel: The cost per second of this ability has been reduced, no longer self snares, and will now deal damage back upon any defense, not just Parry.
Adept Movements: This ability now reduces cost for improved Balance attacks by 35%.
Nature’s Blade: This ability’s effect now triggers a random stat drain from all targets near the Sword Master. It can now be found in the Path of Khaine.
Heaven’s Blade: This ability’s effect now triggers a heal over time for everyone in the Sword Master’s group when the Sword Master is damaged by magic. It can now be found in the Path of Hoeth.
Phantom’s Blade: The effect of this ability now triggers a damage absorb shield, and can now be found in the Path of Vaul.
Blessing of Heaven: This ability now increases the amount of healing that Heaven’s Blade provides.
Nature’s Blade: Blade Enchants will no longer proc off Throw.
Sword Dance: The mechanic has been updated to always progress regardless of whether or not the attacks were defended against.

Warrior Priest
Purge: This ability now removes an Enchantment from the Warrior Priest’s enemy. Upon removal, the enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 25.
Divine Shock: This ability is now available at level 40.
Purify: This ability now removes one Curse or Hex from the Warrior Priest’s target.

Witch Hunter
Most hostile effects are now Ailments.
Most beneficial effects are now Blessings.
Seeker's Blade: The duration of this ability has increased.
Forgotten Accusations: This ability no longer appears if the Witch Hunter has no Accusations.
All Relics now have shared cool downs.
Blessed Bullets of Cleansing: We changed the effect and reduced the cost of this ability.
Blessed Bullets of Purity: We changed the effect and reduced the cost of this ability.
Blessed Bullets of Confession: We changed the effect and reduced the cost of this ability.
Shroud of Magnus: We changed the effect of this ability.
Seal of Destruction: We changed the effect of this ability.
Van Horstmann's Speculum: We changed the effect of this ability.
Atonement: We changed the position of this ability in its Mastery path.
Sanctified Bullets: We changed the effect of this ability.
Encourage Confession: We changed the effect of this ability.
Fanatical Cleansing: We changed the effect of this ability and changed its position in the Mastery path.
Fanatical Zeal: The damage of this ability has been increased.
Sever Blessing: This ability now removes a Blessing from the Witch Hunter’s target. Upon removal, the enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 22.
Fading Accusations: The timer of this ability will now begin as soon as the Witch Hunter loses his or her current offensive target.
Fervor: This ability now stacks correctly between multiple Witch Hunters.
Snap Shot: With this ability, the Witch Hunter’s attack will snare any enemy from the rear.

White Lion
Shred: We increased the duration of this ability.
Coordinated Strike: We increased the allowable distance between the player and the pet for the secondary hits to trigger.
Baited Trap: The effect of this ability no longer stacks with itself.
All pet abilities will now queue up on the pet for up to 5 seconds each, until they successfully fire.

Witch Elf
Wracking Pains: The duration of this ability has increased.
Pierce Armor: The duration of this ability has increased.
Waning Frenzy: This ability no longer appears if you do not have any Frenzy points.
All Elixirs now have shared cool downs.
Kiss of Agony: This ability has had its effect changed.
Kiss of Death: This ability has had its effect changed..
Kiss of Betrayal: This ability has had its effect changed.
Elixir of The Cauldron: This ability has had its effect changed.
Elixir of Insane Power: This ability has had its effect changed.
Elixir of Maddened Speed: This ability has had its effect changed.
Wracking Pains: This ability has had its effect changed.
Treacherous Assault: The damage of this ability has been increased.
Sever Blessing: This ability removes a Blessing from the Witch Elf’s target. Upon removal, the enemy takes damage. This ability can be purchased at level 22.
Waning Frenzy: The timer for this ability will now begin as soon as the Witch Elf loses her current offensive target.
Envenomed Blade: This ability now stacks correctly among multiple Witch Elves.
Bathing In Blood: This ability has been replaced by Increased Pain.
Increased Pain: This ability has been moved to rank 21.
For The Hag Queen: This ability has been moved to rank 33.
Fading Accusations: This ability now triggers correctly.
Waning Frenzy: This ability now triggers correctly.
Throwing Daggers: With this ability, the Witch Elf’s attack will now snare any enemy from the rear.

Glimpse of Chaos: This ability now removes one Curse of Hex from your target.
Ritual of Lunacy: This ability now heals for less per pulse but pulses more frequently.
All Rituals are now placeable ground target effects with 30 second cool downs and 30 second durations.
Chaotic Blur: This is a new ability granted at rank 7. It detaunts the Zealot’s target, reducing their damage.
Harbinger of Doom: This ability is now granted at rank 9, and now debuffs more and more Corporeal Resistance over time and is no longer dispellable.
Changer's Touch: Heal is no longer affected by willpower and will no longer crit.
Tzeentch's Grip: Heal is no longer affected by willpower and will no longer crit.
Warping the Spirit: Heal is no longer affected by willpower and will no longer crit.
Suppressing the Fragile Unbelievers: The ability will now silence and apply a damage over time spell to all targets within a 30-foot radius of the caster.
Scourged Warping: The tooltip for this ability has been updated to reflect current functionality. Tactic has a chance to make Scourge instant cast instead of free.


Experience gain for each quest has been revisited and adjusted, based on metrics and feedback from our previous rounds of Beta. Our goal with these adjustments is to ensure that the experience awarded for each quest generally reflects the difficulty and time investment of that quest, while ensuring that the overall leveling experience remains on target.

Public Quests
We appreciate the great feedback we have received from the community about our public quest loot system. We have decided to move forward with a change that provides an additional bonus for Gold and Silver medalist. The new bonuses are:
Gold: Top bonus increased to +500
Silver: Top bonus increased to +350

Greenskin vs Dwarf Content Changes
Dwarf Chapter 1: The Bitterstone Quest will now display on the map once discovered.
Dwarf Chapter 1: Bor Axehand, the Slayer outside Ancestor's Watch has found himself another weapon and once again slaughters Greenskins en-masse.
Dwarf Chapter 4: The ‘Marghaz Bloodtoof’ and ‘Traitors Watch’ Public Quests will now display on the map once discovered.
Greenskin Chapter 7: Female Seahammer Portguards should now properly step the condition for "Lead da Way Boss".
RvR Quests: The RvR Scenario quests are now offered from the same Oathbearer Warbringer and Bloody Sun Warmaster in Tiers 1 and 2. They offer quests in Chapter 1, 2 and the Tier 1 Warcamp, as well as Chapter 5, 6 and both Tier 2 Warcamps. These can be accepted and completed at any of their locations within their Tier.
RvR Quests: Repeatable RvR quests have been modified to only count players killed within the zone and/or Tier where they are given out, including within the appropriate Scenario.
Global: Oathbearer Dwarf guards received a shipment of new armor for their service on the front line.

Empire vs Chaos Content Changes
Empire Tier 1: In response to player feedback, several of the more difficult PQ bosses in these Empire PQ's have been tweaked to be a bit more forgiving.
Empire Chapter 1: Minor tweaks have been made to some mob populations and respawn rates in the Empire starting area, in order to accommodate larger numbers of players.
Chaos Chapter 2: Based on beta test reports, more Duelists have been added to Stage 2 of the ‘Destruction of the Weak’ PQ, in order to ensure that there will always be enough present to complete the conditions.
Chaos Chapter 5: In order to provide further opportunities for players to gain influence in this chapter, a new condition has been added to stage 1 of the ‘Spirit of the Shadows’ PQ.
Chaos Chapter 5: More Shadow Dryads have been added to stage 2 of the ‘Spirit of the Shadows’ PQ.
Chaos Chapter 6: The spiders defending the eggs in the ‘Silkens’ PQ have become incredibly territorial and will now direct their hatred toward those who attack their un-hatched young with extreme prejudice.
Chaos Chapter 8: The Troll known as Biletongue in the ‘Plaguewood Thicket’ PQ has had his auto-attack damage reduced based on beta feedback.
Chaos Chapter 9: Fixes have been made to stage 2 of the ‘Plague Altar’ PQ to ensure that the proper number of Bloated Plaguebearers spawn.
Tier 1 RvR: The cowardly citizens of New Emskrank should no longer hassle Destruction players as they lay waste to the town.
RvR Quests that target enemy players have new requirements specifying players in the zones and scenarios of the tier and race where the quest is offered.
RvR Quests: Adjustments have been made to the way that quests targeting scenarios are offered. Players can now obtain a quest to play the Nordenwatch scenario from Griffon Sergeants and Raven Warmongers in Chapters 1 and 2, and the tier 1 Warcamp for both the Empire and Chaos factions. Similar changes have been made in the tier 2 Empire and Chaos chapters with quests available from Griffon and Raven Warscouts in Chapters 5 and 6, and the tier 2 Warcamp.
Global: Empire barbers have been busy accommodating numerous Priests of Sigmar who were found in violation of their order's dress code recently. Many heads have been shaved throughout the land as a result.
Global: Pig fat sales skyrocketed this month as the Empire's Bright Wizards adopted shocking new coifs more appropriately representative of their incendiary power.
Global: Chaos War Guards have been seen sporting impressive and intimidating new sets of armor.

HE vs DE Content Changes
High Elf Chapter 2: Players will once again be able to pay homage to the winds of magic during the Traditions of War quest.
Dark Elf Tier 1: Due to player feedback, Public Quest bosses throughout the early Dark Elf chapters have had their difficulty reduced.
Dark Elf Chapter 2: The Dreadblight Collector will now properly attempt to gather artifacts during stage 2 of the ‘Ruins of Nagarythe’ public quest.
Dark Elf Chapter 3: Based on player feedback, more traps have been added to the ‘Dreamshade Forest’ public quest.
Dark Elf Chapter 8: The Dark Elf Igniters will now more vigorously attempt to torch the ‘Town of Berhessa’ public quest.
RvR Quests: Adjustments have been made to the way that quests targeting scenarios are offered. Players can now obtain a quest to play the Khaine’s Embrace scenario from Shining Warscout and Uthorin Warscout in Chapters 1 and 2, and the tier 1 Warcamp for both the Dark Elf and High Elf factions. Similar changes have been made in the tier 2 Dark Elf and High Elf chapters with quests available from Shining and Uthorin Warscouts in Chapters 5 and 6, and the tier 2 Warcamp.
RvR Quests: Quests which target enemy players have new requirements specifying players in the zones and scenarios of the tier and race where the quest is offered.

Community Systems

Personal Vaults
Personal character vaults are here! Players may now access their character’s vault from ‘Banker’ NPCs located in the capital cities. Each vault has space for 80 items.
Note: Item stacks only take up a single item slot.

Guild Vaults
Starting at Guild Rank 4, players may now access their guild’s vault through ‘Vault Keeper’ NPCs located in the capital cities. Players with the appropriate permission may deposit and/or withdraw currency as well as add and remove items. Guild members with permission can assign other guild members the ability to:
Deposit Currency
Withdraw Currency
Deposit Items
Withdraw Items
View Items
The initial guild vault space is 1 tab of 60 inventory slots. Additional tabs are granted incrementally through guild advancement with a possible total of 4 tabs equaling 240 slots.

Guild Taxes and Tithes
Guild Taxes
Guild Taxes are a Guild Reward which unlock at Guild Rank 3.
Once unlocked, members may view the Guild Tax Rate in the Guild Window Rewards Tab.
Once unlocked, members with permission may set the Guild Tax Rate in the Guild Window Rewards Tab.
Guild Tithes
Guild Tithes are a Guild Reward which unlock at Guild Rank 3 and apply only to the individual guild member.
Once unlocked, members may view their Guild Tithe Rate in the Guild Window Rewards Tab.
Once unlocked, members may edit their Guild Tithe Rate in the Guild Window Rewards Tab.
Whenever a Guild member earns money from looting a monster, the Guild Tithe Rate is added to the Guild Tax Rate, and the total percentage is deducted from the player’s earnings and given to the Guild.
Example: If the tax rate is 20%, and the player’s Tithe Rate is 10%, earning 10 brass from looting a monster would give the player 7 brass and the guild would receive 3. Fractions are rounded down and given to the player such that if the Guild Tax Rate is 5% and the Tithe Rate is 5% and the player earns 11 brass from looting a monster, the player earns 10 brass and the guild receives 1 brass.

Auction House
The Auction House is now available in various locations throughout the capital cities. Interact with the Auctioneer NPCs to display the Auction House interface to sell items you do not need and to find and purchase ones you do!
A number of options are available at this time and additional options will be added as we move closer to launch.
The following available search options are:
Item Name
Item Rarity
By Career
By Stat
Item Type
Maximum Price
By category
By crafting item’s skill level
Players may also sort their results by Name, rank, Current Bid, Buy Now Price, Time Left and Seller Name.
The Auctions and Bids tabs provide a quick way for players to see their posted auctions as well as auctions they are bidding on.
The option to cancel your own auctions is also available in the Auctions tab.

PQs in Tier 1 have had their loot updated. Chapter 1, 2 and 3 PQs in all pairings will now drop more bags per completion than they did previously.
We have increased the drop rate of green loot bags in Tier 1.
Renown Merchants have had their stores adjusted, and equipment stats balanced. Weapons and Armor are now staggered across all player and renown ranks.
Armor Sets have been updated again, finalizing many of the set bonuses and stats on the equipment.
Additional Enchantment slots have been added to numerous items throughout the world in preparation for the final release of Talisman crafting systems
Healing potions have received an increase in potency.

Talisman crafting has received additional tweaks to ensure that the talismans created were attractive and beneficial to all players


Open RvR Server Ruleset
Are you ready for the next challenge in RvR? Do you love the adrenaline rush of always having to look behind your back for the enemy? If so, then we welcome you to Open RvR, where you will either shine or falter in a constant battle for glory! Battle your enemies outside of the RvR lakes and affect the fate of your realm! Your Chapter 1 hub and your capital city are the only locations in the game where you have safe confines, of course that is until your city becomes under attack.

Players are always RvR flagged from the moment they log in
Chapter 1 hubs and capital cities are safe
There is no bolster buff in RvR lakes
Players will be chickened when entering lower tiers of content

RvR Content Updates
Keep Lords, Fortress Lords and Accompanying Guards: All have had their horizontal tethers increased significantly. The Z tether remains short to keep the Lords on the second floor.
Sergeants, Keep Lords and Fortress Lords: All have new abilities with which to defend their stations in the RvR Lakes
Sergeants, Keep Lords and Fortress Lords: All have had their levels and con normalized between Tiers 1 through 4. This has resulted in a substantial level reduction in Tier 3 Keeps to bring the NPCs more in line with the player level ranges of that Tier.
RvR banners: RvR banners have been added to the entrances and exits of each warcamp in order to denote realm Tier control. Banners will also be located at most RvR lake entrances. Upon entering an RvR lake, Order banners will be on the right and Destruction on the left if a Tier is contested. If a realm controls a tier, both banners will change to represent the controlling realm.

Scenario Updates
Misc. scenario changes: Global adjustments to points, max players and the Capture point indicator ring art.
Gates of Ekrund: Silly stuntie, Lobbas are for lifts! Orcapults now hurl Destruction players toward the wall. Use them at your own risk, because they’ll launch you toward random destinations, even into the wall! Talk to the nearby Siege Git – and prepare for flight!
Stone Troll Crossing: They’re baaack! The troublesome boulder-throwing trolls have returned to Stone Troll Crossing. In addition to the Trolls, the scenario rules have been revamped. Use the Troll Pacifier to subdue the various Troll clans for your realm and control Stone Troll Crossing!
Thunder Valley: Gyrocopters or Wyvern Riders will spawn at the central airfield for the controlling realm to order into battle - just to talk to the pilot and tell him what to bomb! If you don’t command the airfield you can still shoot the bombers down (and players too) with siege weaponry before they reach their destination and score points for your realm.
Howling Gorge and Talabec Dam: Do you absolutely, positively need to deliver that bomb on time? Fear not, directional flags and beacons have been added to guide players to the bombing locations. The beacons will pulse from time to time to remind you where you need to go, so now all you need to do is plant the bomb!
High Pass Cemetery: A zone-wide 60 second buff will be cast on the victorious realm that manages to capture both control points. Guardian ghosts and spirits will also make a cameo appearance for the winning realm. After all, what cemetery would be complete without ghosts and spirits?
Maw of Madness: Madness has truly been revisited, as a total of three War Balls have been added to this scenario that will imbibe the carrier with ungodly power. There are some minor setbacks that come with wielding such power, but it is up to you to decide on how best to proceed!
Tor Anroc: Shake and bake! More quakes and more falling rocks have been added to break up the enemy rush!

Cities Update
Altdorf and The Inevitable City: Various new quests and ambiance have been added to each city. Top amongst them are:
Tasks from each King to seek out and kill various Keep Lords. These quests are also repeatable and will contribute towards increasing your overall city rank!
Adventure quests. Seek out these quests from within the Emperor’s Palace and the Eternal Citadel for a long journey across the lands of Warhammer!
Altdorf and The Inevitable City: Each city now has two entrances that players may enter and exit from. The new second entrance will escort players to a pathway leading to the city black market when a city has become captured.
Guild Taverns: The Viper Pit in the Inevitable City and Sigmar’s Hammer in Altdorf are now only accessible from city rank 2 and up.
Emperor’s Palace and The Eternal Citadel: The Kings are now only accessible from city rank 3 and up.
City Siege: Siege has been placed in each of the contested cities’ re-spawn locations. Drive back the enemy with a quick assault of artillery!
City Dungeons: Each city dungeon has undergone a clean sweep of all loot drops. See what treasure lies within!

Tome of Knowledge

Tome of Knowledge Content

Tome Tutorial Quests
New to the game? Want to find out what the Tome of Knowledge is all about? Well, look no further than the beginning of the game. Players now have access to a small quest chain in the starting area of each race that will introduce them to the Tome of Knowledge and give them a little experience to boot as reward.

Tome Quests
This patch introduces additional Tome of Knowledge content in the form of Tome Quests available in tier 1 and tier 2. Like History and Lore unlocks or the Bestairy tasks, these ‘Tome Quests’ are hidden across the land and offer the intrepid explorer additional unlocks and rewards.

Bestiary Tasks
Even more content to shake a Tome at! A good number of new bestiary tasks have been added to the Tome of Knowledge for players to seek out and enjoy!

A number of achievements have been added to the achievements section of the Tome of Knowledge. The new achievements run the gambit from serious to wacky; some will reward a player for performing an action numerous times, while others will reward a player the first time they attempt such a feat. Be on the lookout for these new achievements and try everything at least once, if not ten to twenty-five times.
Additional unlocks for discovering lairs in the Greenskins vs. Dwarves pairing and High Elf vs. Dark Elf pairing have been added.

Old World Armory
Collecting them all? Players will be rewarded for collecting all pieces of armor available for the special armor sets cataloged in the Old World Armory. As well, if players collect all sets of armor of each type, the player will get a special meta-achievement and title. Plus, for the intrepid few that collect every set of armor, they will have a unique title and unlock available to them as well.

Noteworthy People
The text for the Noteworthy People section of the Tome of Knowledge has been reviewed and updated.
Included in this review is the addition of the flavor text for the remaining Kings.
The tier 3 and tier 4 Elf noteworthy person entries in the Tome of Knowledge have been updated to ensure that they are current.
Entries for the Dwarf, Greenskin, High Elf, and Dark Elf races have been moved into the appropriate City section of the Tome of Knowledge.

War story
The text for the War story chapters has been audited and updated with all current information.
This includes reviews and updates for Battlefield Objectives, Keeps, and Fortresses as well as Chapters and Warcamps.
The tier 3 and tier 4 Elf Warcamps have been added and updated in the War story section of the Tome of Knowledge.
Entries for the Battlefield Objectives, Keeps, and Fortresses have been updated and/or Added to the appropriate chapters of the War story section of the Tome of Knowledge.
The entry for the final group encounter with Tchar’zanek has been updated with the correct name and information.

The text for the Bestiary section of the Tome of Knowledge has been reviewed and updated.
Included in this review is an update to the Hydra which fixes a bug where the information presented there was incorrect.
Added five racial portraits.

History and Lore - The text for the History and Lore section of the Tome of Knowledge has been reviewed and updated.

Tome Rewards

Bestiary Rewards
The rewards for the Bestiary section of the Tome of Knowledge have been audited and revamped. Included in this audit are the addition of special Tome-only Cloaks, Pocket Items, Set Items, Tactics, and Trophies!
Cloaks: Available from the Librarian in the Capital City, these cloaks are only earned after completing a specific task in the Bestiary. Once unlocked, each cloak will be available to purchase at any time.
Pocket Items: Available from the Librarian in the Capital City, these items are only earned after completing a specific task in the Bestiary. Once unlocked, each pocket item will be available to purchase at any time. Pocket items are rewards that can be worn and serve as a memento of tasks accomplished or perhaps as a way to show off that character’s skill. Be sure to play with the pocket items, as some of them will do more than just look pretty.
Set Items: Available from the Librarian in the Capital City, these items are only earned after completing a specific task in the Bestiary. Once unlocked, each Set Item will be available to purchase at any time. Set Items are only available from the top tier of Bestiary unlocks and give characters bonuses when worn alone and additional bonuses when worn as a set.
Tactics: Available once a player has completed enough unlocks for a particular monster type, these tactics can be trained by a Tome Trainer in the Capital City. Individual unlocks will contribute toward a player’s knowledge of a particular monster type and when that character has learned enough, a tactic will unlock that gives bonuses toward fighting that monster type. There are three levels of tactics available for each of nine different types ranging from the average beast to the undead.
Bestiary Trophies: Available for purchase with Bestial Tokens, these items can be purchased from a Librarian in the Capital City. Bestial Tokens are rewarded for successful completion of specific tasks or kill-amounts in the bestiary. Bestial Tokens are considered an alternate currency and they are stored in the Quest bag. Once spent, Bestial Tokens can not be recovered. The trophies that can be purchased with these tokens can be worn on the armor of the character to show off their achievements and make their look unique.
Don’t worry about all of the above though, as the Tome of Knowledge has been updated to give tooltips for all rewards to make it easy for players to understand how to receive their rewards.

Achievement Rewards
The rewards for the Achievement section have been audited and additional trophy rewards have been added where appropriate.
Achievement Trophies: Available from the Librarian in the Capital City, these items are only earned after completing a specific achievement. Once unlocked, each trophy will be available to purchase at any time. Unlike the Bestiary Trophies, these trophies are specific to an achievement, but can be purchased at any time, but only one of the trophies can be equipped at any given time.
Titles: Added additional titles for new achievements now available.

Titles: Updated a number of titles to correct spelling or grammatical issues and bring the titles in line with any changed or added achievements or tasks.

User Interface

The Tome of Knowledge
Massive updates have been made to the Tome, along with a complete reskin.
Players can now view their most recent Tome entries in the 'New Entries' page.
The Table of Contents has been moved to a more user-friendly tab system.
The Achievement section now has an entirely new layout.
Bragging Rights can now be assigned to a tab in the character window by right clicking entries in the Tome.
Quests can now be sorted by various sub-sorts.
The Tome alert notification has been re-skinned to match the look and feel of other game UI elements.

Server Select and Character Creation
Server selection has merged seamlessly with character selection and now displays server ruleset, region, and realm population data.
Order or Destruction? Choose your side! Once players have selected a realm on one server, they can now only create characters of the same Realm unless they choose another server.
Character Selection models should now load faster.
Deciding which class to play has never been easier! All classes now appear in Tier 4 armor prior to selection.
The name entry field now functions like a name entry field, and the cursor blinking at you is actually a real cursor and there was much rejoicing.
Deleting a character now requires confirmation. Y-E-S.
Character select will now default to a new 'last played character' screen in order to streamline entry into the game.
Zoom buttons and gender buttons now have enabled and disabled states.

Players will now smoothly and automatically rotate to face their current enemy target.
The Pet Bar should be usable, and have all available options immediately upon pet summoning.
Siege weapons should no longer default to inverted mouse look, and should no longer give erroneous line of sight errors.
Players will no longer be able to enter an instance while their party is in combat inside of the instance.
Buff and Debuff timers now appear on the icon, and permanent buffs will no longer display as 1s duration.
Warbands can now move players across parties.
Improved ability cool down timer display. Any ability with less then 3s on its timer (including global cool down) will now display in half second increments
Added a simple 'Forgiveness' queue to the combat system. This will allow players to trigger their next ability slightly before the GCD or current casting ability completes. This should reduce the number of “Ability not ready” messages
Significant improvement to combat while stationary. If players are not moving,they should never get a 'out of arc' facing error message when firing an ability.

PQ and Quest Trackers
Quest tracker reskin! The quest tracker has been reformatted and has had all extraneous tabbing removed.
The Contested phase of a Capital City siege will now display both realms’ objectives.
Players will no longer see erroneous PQ failure notices due to hidden transition controllers.
The PQ tracker will once again display red or green icons to denote failure or success conditions.
Proximity control bars now function correctly upon first entry into the Battlefield Objectives.

Tutorial Help Tips
Players will now be greeted with in game pop-ups to guide them on their way. The help tips are broken up into categories so that players of various experience levels can choose what types of help tips are shown to them.

World Map
The world map has been re-skinned and has had a lot of information added to it like tooltips for City ratings and status, with even more to come.
Map Reveal: As players traverse a zone, areas of the map will reveal themselves. A number of audits were performed on these reveals resulting in the following changes:
The following zones have been updated to ensure the art for their reveals are current and up to date: Thunder Mountain, Kadrin Valley, and DeathPeak
As well, map reveals have been added to all tier 3 and tier 4 Eleven Zones.

Loading Screens
As players traverse between some zones, loading screens will present tips and information about the players’ destination. The following changes have been made to the loading screens:
All Loading Screens now have appropriate text for the Zone being loaded into.
The loading screen title for Magus Tower has been changed to Eternal Citadel.

General UI Fixes
Tome of Knowledge: Various fixes and tweaks have been made to word wrapping and map elements. War Story sections and kill counts will now show and track correctly for the appropriate character.
Character Panel: The dodge and parry stats should now update properly.
Minimap: The minimap now has 3 levels of zoom and new map pins.
Mail UI: Major improvements and fixes have been made to mail, sending, attachments, COD and tooltips. Characters can no longer send mail to themselves.
Guild UI: The guild UI has undergone major tweaks and polish. Deleted players will now be properly deleted from the guild roster. The guild news window will now report cancelled calendar events.
Salvaging: It’s in, with items, things to salvage, items to get from salvaging, various salvaging outcomes. Speak to your local salvaging trainer today!
Crafting: Talisman making now adds bonuses based on player skill level. Players can no longer remove items from the Apothecary window while brewing.
Death: Has a new look and feel. Try it out today!
Key Bindings: Major fixes. Extra mouse buttons now bindable with other keys, and freed up a number of combinations and keys that weren’t persisting when set.
Looting in parties and warbands with any loot setting should now be working.
The default position for the chat window no longer covers the tactics and ability bars.
Players from opposing realms will no longer be able to understand each other in /say.
The trade window is now working. It should not steal items. It should not break after the first trade with any player, and adding or subtracting items from the trade should reset the accept status of both players.
Moving the chat window while the text input window is open will no longer cause the chat window to stick to the mouse cursor.
Automatic AFK messages wiil now be appended with "AFK message: ".
Stacked items will now properly deplete when purchased from the buy back window.
Deleting a mount from inventory or placing it in the bank will now cause the player to be dismounted.
Right clicking an item while using the repair button will no longer sell the item to the merchant.
The bank window now closes upon player death
Falling damage now displays like combat damage.
Attempting to inspect a player when the inspection window is already open will no longer cause the inspection window to cry.

General Changes and Bug Fixes:
Significantly improved NPC pathing. You should see better monster pathing across the board.
We've improved pet responsiveness and behavior -- career pets should now follow their masters and attack targets much more realistically.
We've improved our texture management system to further reduce texture blurriness problems reported by some users.
We've added new 'Advanced' game and graphics settings that allow users to tweak their performance settings for many of the game's systems. This will give advanced users more control of the look and speed at which the game runs.

And Much, Much More!
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Posted - 02/09/2008 :  20:54:32  Show Profile Send Demonexile a Private Message  Reply with Quote
chtel bych se zeptat jestli budou prodavat 60 denni karty ? nikde sem nic nenasel..diky
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Posted - 02/09/2008 :  21:27:59  Show Profile  Send Yurrk an ICQ Message Send Yurrk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Demonexile

chtel bych se zeptat jestli budou prodavat 60 denni karty ? nikde sem nic nenasel..diky

zhodou okolnosti som nasiel odpoved v topicu co si zalozil...

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New Member

156 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2008 :  21:58:20  Show Profile  Send Yurrk an ICQ Message Send Yurrk a Private Message  Reply with Quote

To je aj na EU acc ? GOA tam nic take nema ... zas to flaka ako vzdy... kvalita WAR EU (goa) a US (mythic) sajty je 2 a 10 :P

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